For Applicants & Employees - All About eApp
Be Aware of the Following When Completing Your eApp

Deadline for Completion

You have seven (7) business days to complete your online eApp and the additional forms that were sent to you. 

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to complete these requirements will result in your ineligibility for access to NIH facilities. You will not be allowed to begin or continue your work without completing these requirements. Those who already have an HHS PIV badge will have their badge revoked if they fail to complete these requirements.​

Entering Your Data in eApp​

Depending on which position tier you are applying for, you are required to list all your residences, education history and employment history up to a federally pre-determined number of years (investigation scope):

  • ​T1 position: You will need to list all your residences and employment history within the past five (5) years, beginning with your present place of residence and employment. You also must provide the most recent education and degree received.
  • T2/T4 position: You will need to list all your residences and employment history within the past seven (7) years, beginning with your present place of residence and employment. You also must provide a complete list of your educational history from high school to your most recent degree received.
  • T3/T5 position: You will need to list all your residences and employment history within the past ten (10) years, beginning with your present place of residence and employment. You also must provide a complete list of your educational history from high school to your most recent degree received.

Question About My Education: What if I transferred and/or did not complete my degree?

We understand that some applicants may not have completed a degree program prior to moving on to another school. Even if you did not receive a degree, you must NOT leave the educational entry unanswered because any lack of response in this area will become a red flag. You must indicate if you have “transferred” or if there was “no degree obtained.”

Additional Tips for Entering Data in eApp

Be aware of the following when entering your data into eApp. Your questionnaire will not be accepted if missing/incomplete information exists. For a help guide, click here.

General Information

  • Any additional comments that you provide that are deemed inconsistent or contradicting to the information presented in your eApp will not be accepted and will require further clarification 
  • Acronyms are NOT permitted anywhere on the questionnaire (e.g. “NIH", “Ct.", etc.).
  • Your full legal name must match all forms (e.g. OF-306) that you fill out in addition to the eApp. It must also match the two forms of identification​ that you bring for enrollment. 
  • If you have regular contact with children as a part of your official job duties, you will have additional requirements that are dictated by the states that you have lived or are living in. 
  • If you are a male born after December 31, 1959, and if you are unsure of your Selective Service Registration requirements, they can be found here:
  • Complete street/postal addresses are required for all entries (to include building and room number). There can be NO date gaps. Do not list residences before your 18th birthday unless to provide a minimum of 2 years residence history. P.O. boxes are NOT permitted. A P.O. box is a location where mail is received and NOT a place of residence. 

  • Those applying for a T2 or T3 position must share information regarding their high school diploma or any other degrees. If none were earned, please provide a minimum of two years of education, no matter when it occurred. Those applying for a T1 position need to include any/all degrees earned, on matter when they were earned. If no degree was earned, please indicate “no degree obtained" in your responses regarding your education.​
  • Enter information for all your employment activities, including unemployment and self-employment ​beginning with the present and working back the number of years according to the position tier you are applying for. There must be NO date gaps
  • Contractor vs. Contracted To -- Federal contractor and private sector entries must include the contract company name, company address AND the job site location. Be sure to provide the name of your employer, NOT whom you are contracted to and NOT who your client is. If you are a federal contractor or if you work for a private sector, you will be required to provide both your employer's information as well as the daily reporting job site location.
  • Federal department, agency or military entries must contain the full name and complete addresses of the department/ agency and subcomponent. As a reminder, acronyms are not permitted.
  • Do NOT select “supervisor information same as employer." A supervisor's full name, address and phone number are required for all employment entries. 

Citizenship Status

  • Foreign Nationals must provide proof of legal/visitor status (e.g. I-94 Admission Number, U.S. Visa, or Employment Authorization. These documents may be shared securely through the NP2 Portal along with your completed eApp application.
  • Lawful Permanent Residents must provide their Alien Registration Number (may appear as “USCIS" number). These documents may be shared securely through the NP2 Portal along with your completed eApp application.