Candidates at NIH who require access to NIH resources such as physical access to facilities/doors and logical access to information systems will be assigned an Administrative Officer (AO) from their Institute or Center. Their AO will be sponsoring a request in the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) for an NIH badge and account needed to access those resources.
Candidates who require more than 6 months of physical and/or logical access to NIH resources are subject to a background investigation commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position they hold at NIH. Even candidates who do not require physical or logical access to NIH may require a background investigation due to the work they are performing on behalf of NIH. It is recommended that administrative officers sponsor these records at least 6-8 weeks in advance of the individuals start date, to allow time for DPSAC prescreening.
Badge Types:
The badge type requested is determined by employee classification, citizenship status and duration of access needed:
Long-term (greater than 6 months) physical & logical access either:
- Subject to prescreening & background investigation and will receive:
- Personal Identity Verification (PIV) badge (U.S. Citizens)
- Restricted Local Access (RLA) (Non-U.S. Citizens/under 3 years U.S. Residency)
Blue Stripe PIV (Non-U.S. Citizens/over 3 years U.S. Residency)
- Short-term (less than 6 months) physical & logical access:
- Subject to a fingerprint check (SAC) and will receive the short term RLA badge