​For Administrators - Onboarding New Staff
Four Step Process to Complete the PDT

​Four Step Process to Complete the PDT 

Completing the PDT consists of a four-step process that guides the designator through an examination of the position's duties and responsibilities. The completion of the PDT process will result in a final designation for the position which, in turn, will determine the investigative requirement for the position:
1. Examine and select the National Security Requirements of the Position and determine the Potential Damage to the National Security
2. Examine and select the Public Trust Requirements of the Position (unrelated to National Security) and determine the potential impact on the efficiency or integrity of the service
3. Apply adjustments for program designation and level of supervision and choose adjustment value for the scope of program impact and level of related controls
4. Final Position Designation and Investigation Requirement. 

1. National Security Responsibilities


2. Public Trust Responsibilities


Please note: Child Care Requirements are not included in PDT. Administrative Officers (AOs) should continue to check the box 'Works with Children' for individuals who work with children at NIH.

Final Position Risk, Sensitivity and Corresponding Investigation Requirement

Once all selections are made, the PDT will calculate the Sensitivity and Risk Level of the position, and the corresponding Background Investigation requirement (Tier 1 -- Tier 5).

-- Sensitivity Level: Degree of potential material adverse effect on the national security

-- Risk Level: Degree of potential damage to the efficiency or integrity of the service from misconduct of an incumbent in a position 

Potential Damage.jpg

The chart below lists the available federal background investigative products regarding the risk and sensitivity designation of positions across the federal government. 

Position Sensitivity DesignationPosition Risk DesignationType of InvestigationForm Type
Special SensitiveHigh RiskTier5+SCISF 86
Critical SensitiveHigh RiskTier5SF 86
Non-Critical SensitiveHigh RiskTier5SF 86
Moderate RiskTier3SF 86
Non-Sensitive Public TrustHigh RiskTier4SF 85P
Moderate RiskTier2SF 85P
Non-SensitiveLow Risk
Tier1SF 85

Enter the PDT Tier Value into NED during Activate Register Step

A position designation will be required for new positions or for any changes to an individual's position. Administrative officers must ensure the calculated tier value derived from the PDT matches the final tier value calculated in NED during the NED registration process. If the tiers do not match, the position information must be reevaluated to ensure all pertinent position information is captured in both NED and the PDT. Additionally, a copy of the completed PDT must be uploaded to NED.

Enter PDT Tier Value into NED during Activate Register 3-12-20.jpg

Please note:  It is illegal for sponsors to misrepresent an individual's Position Sensitivity Level or Background Investigation Requirement to circumvent the process in an attempt to avoid delays. Violators will have their sponsorship privileges revoked. Failure to comply may result in unfavorable audit findings under title 5 USC § 1104(b)(2) and 5 CFR 5.2, or withdrawal of delegated authority under 5 CFR 731.103(f).