For Administrators - Understanding DPSAC Services
Returning your Badge when Leaving NIH

If you plan on leaving the employ of NIH, whether you are an employee, contractor or affiliate, you MUST turn in your HHS ID badge or RLA badge to your Administrative Officer (AO) so that s/he can deactivate your badge in NED. The AO will turn in the deactivated badge to the badging office. Additionally, any individual with a clearance is also required to email the DPSAC office at to schedule an appointment for an in-person debriefing prior to the last day of duty. 

The requirement to collect the badge as part of the check-out process for all employees, contractors and affiliates leaving NIH is stated in the NIH Policy Manual under ORH (2300-940-Clearance of Personnel for Separation), posted at:​

If moving from one Institute, Center or Office (ICO) to another, you may keep your HHS ID Badge/PIV card; however, you may need access to new physical locations. In that case, your AO should contact:

Common Questions

Please read the following Q&A to assist you and other NIH staff in understanding how to properly return a departing staff member’s ID badge t​o DPSAC.  

Q: What are the timeline and process for returning PIV cards when someone leaves NIH?​

​A: If someone plans on leaving the employ of NIH, whether s/he is an employee, contractor or affiliate, the employee MUST turn in their HHS ID badge or RLA badge to their Administrative Officer (AO) so that s/he can deactivate your badge in NED. The individual's ID badge should be returned on their last day of employment or the next business day. 

The requirement to collect the badge as part of the check-out process for all employees, contractors and affiliates leaving NIH is stated in the NIH Policy Manual under ORH (2300-940-Clearance of Personnel for Separation), posted at:

If moving from one ICO to another, the employee may keep their HHS ID Badge/PIV card; however, they may need access to new physical locations. In that case their AO should contact:

Q: Is there a particular point of contact to return PIV cards to on each campus?

A: All ID badges must be returned when an individual is leaving the employ of NIH to the individual's AO. If the individual is not sure who their AO is, the individual must give their ID badge to their supervisor, who can in turn give it to the appropriate AO.

Q: What needs to be returned when an employee is departing NIH? 

A:  When separating, all NIH employees have an obligation to return Government issued property in their possession. Such property includes, but is not limited to: 

  • ID badge
  • Equipment 
  • Electronic devices
  • Phone 
  • Access passes
  • Keys
  • Parking permits
  • Library material(s)
  • Credit and phone cards
  • Transhare and SmarTrip fare cards
  • Government-issued passports
  • Official electronic and paper records
  • Advanced funds 
  • Payments received in expectation of extended employment where the allotted time period has not been completed. 

The individual must arrange to return these items before the last day of duty. Any individual with a clearance is also required to email the DPSAC office at to schedule an appointment for an in-person debriefing prior to the last day of duty. 

For more information, please refer to the NIH Policy Manual under ORH (2300-940-Clearance of Personnel for Separation), posted at:

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