For Applicants/Employees and Administrators - Services
Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) Directory

Most Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICOs) have purchased one or more Lifecycle Work Stations (LWS) that will allow their personnel to conveniently update their HHS ID Badge (Smart Card) Digital Certificates and reset their Smart Card PINs at a nearby location rather than make a trip to one of DPSAC's Badge Issuance stations.​

Please note: The following ICOs do NOT have an LWS: ARPA-H, CSR, FIC, NCATS, NEI, NICHD, NIDA HQ, NIDCD, NIMHD​. If your ICO does not have an LWS or if your ICO listed below says temporarily closed, please contact one of DPSAC's offices at NIH Bethesda Main Campus or one of our off-site locations to renew your Digital Certificates or to do a PIN reset. ​To understand other methods to renew your Digital Certificates, please visit our page on Renewing Digital Certificates and ID Badges.

If any updates need to be made to the LWS directory or if an LWS operator needs access, please visit our LWS Training page for instructions. Access can only be granted by submitting the DPSAC Rules of Behavior and System Access Request forms listed on our training page. If there are changes or updates made at your location, please visit our training page to find our contact information, so we can keep our directory most up-to-date. The website will be updated as we receive confirmation of POCS, hours and availability. 

Below, you may search for your ICO/building and find the listed Point of Contact (POC) for you to reach out to. We strongly suggest that you first confirm in advance the availability and hours of operation for any LWS operator or service you are planning to use by contacting the POC listed for that location. 

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