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NIN Traffice and Construction - Visit NIH Traffic Website 
Commuter Links

Commuters looking for a comprehensive list of external websites pertaining to and having resources concerning the following topics: general commuting information, mass transit, bicycling, pedestrian safety, and traffic information.

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Two or more NIH employees who work on campus may qualify to obtain a Carpool Parking permit, which offers close-in, reserved parking until 11:00 am daily. To assist employees in establishing carpools and vanpools, the NIH Parking Office offers our Rideshare Program!

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Transportation ListServ

The DATS, Transportation Branch offers employees the ability to subscribe to our Transportation ListServ through their work email accounts for information on NIH Shuttles, local mass transit agencies, and other transportation-related topics.

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The NIH has 5 Vanpools operating throughout the local commuting area that commute to NIH facilities each day. Please click on more information to see a map of vanpool start and pickup locations as well as openings for riders and drivers.

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