The NIH Campus has multiple parking areas for employees, contractors, and visitors.
Employees are eligible to apply for a parking permit. Multi-level garages/lots are within a short walking distance of buildings. Shuttle services are provided from most garages/lots for those who would rather not walk.
Listed below are the different permit types. Permits are renewed in different intervals, refer to the
renewal instructions for more information.
There is limited
visitor parking on the NIH Campus. Public transit, taxi, and carpooling are highly encouraged.
Types of Permits
General Permits
Permits are valid in areas marked for "Permit Holders."
Permit holders may park in Carpool Areas after 11:00 am and valid in RED parking areas after 3:30 pm M-F. Permits are issued for two years based on the first letter of the employee's last name.
Contractor Permits
Contractor permits are valid in areas marked for "Permit Holders."
Permits are issued to Contractors and Tenants. Must be authorized in the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) by the Administrative Officer (AO), and duty location must be at the NIH campus. Permits are issued for a one year period based on the first letter of the employee's last name.
Off-Campus Employee Permits
Off-campus permits are valid in areas marked for "Permit Holders."
Permits are issued to employees with primary duty stations listed in NED as off-campus NIH leased facilities, but who regularly visit campus to conduct business. Permits are only valid at the NIH Main Campus Permits are issued for a two-year period and CAN NOT be transferred. Contractors do not qualify for off-campus permits.
Executive (Red) Permits
Red permits are valid in areas designated for "RED Permit Holders Only" or "Permit Holders," if Red spaces are full.
Permits are issued to individuals at the executive level (GS-15, CO-6 and above, and equivalent grade-level employees). Red Permits are not valid in Carpool Spaces before 11:00 am. Red spaces are reserved until 3:30 pm. Authorization for Red Parking must be approved by ICs Administrative Officer in NED.
Carpool Permits
Carpool permits are valid in areas with "CP Spaces reserved until 11:00 a.m." or "Permit Holders."
Permits are issued to two or more employees possessing a valid NIH ID, each of whom is eligible to obtain individual General, Contractor, or Red permits; i.e., each person must be present at the time of enrollment, registered owner of the vehicles and have a valid driver's license. Carpool parking permits are valid in RED areas after 3:30 p.m.
Vanpool Permits
Vanpool permits are valid in areas designated for "Van Pool Parking" only.
Permits are issued only to registered NIH vanpool coordinators. All vanpool parking spaces are reserved throughout the day.
Red Reserved /SE Permits
Candy-stripe Red permits are issued to Senior Executive staff who do not have a reserved parking space on the campus.
A pool of 16 reserved spaces is located throughout campus for their restricted use. Permit holders must meet eligibility requirements. Detailed information is available
Blue FVG Permits
Blue Permits are valid in areas marked for "Permit Holders."
Permits are issued to Volunteers, Fellows, and Guest (F/V/G) authorized in NED by their Administrative Officer. Permits are issued for a one year period based on the first letter of the employee's last name.
Gold (Disability) Permits
Gold permits are valid in spaces marked "Gold Permit Holders" or "Red Permit Holders", if Gold spaces are full.
Permits are issued to NIH employees ONLY. Employee must provide a valid state-issued disability registration card in their name, this is the only authorized item that will be accepted to verify eligibility. Gold permits are not valid in Carpool Spaces before 11:00 am.
General | A - B | January | 2 Years |
General | C - D | February | 2 Years |
General | E - G | March | 2 Years |
General | H - J | May | 2 Years |
General | K - L | June | 2 Years |
General | M - N | July | 2 Years |
General | O - R | August | 2 Years |
General | S - T | September | 2 Years |
General | U - Z | November | 2 Years |
Gold Disability | Not Applicable | May | 2 Years |
Off-Campus | A - M | July | 2 Years |
Off-Campus | N - Z | October | 2 Years |
Carpool | Not Applicable | October | 1 Year |
Vanpool | Not Applicable | November | 2 Years |
Red | A - M | February | 2 Years |
Red | N - Z | April | 2 Years |
Contractor | A - M | September | 1 Year |
Contractor | N - Z | December | 1 Year |
FVG | Not Applicable | August | 1 Year
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Applying for a Parking Hanger (Join Parking)
To obtain a permanent parking permit for the NIH Bethesda Campus and Rockledge I/II Campus, all vehicles must be registered through the Employee Transportation Services Office (ETSO). ETSO issues
parking permits in the form of a rear-view mirror hanger to eligible employees. You may request a permit through one of the following methods:
- Applying online through CAPS.
- Email parking permit request to Include the NIH ID number, local home address, and a copy of a valid vehicle registration with the employee's name. Additionally, the contractor or tenant must be authorized to park by an Administrative Officer in the NED system.
Contractors without NIH computer access should submit a completed and signed NIH Bethesda Campus Contractor Parking Application via email.
*If you are unable to apply for a permit online, please email or call 301-496-5050.
It is the responsibility of the permit holder to adhere to all applicable policies, regulations, and laws while using the NIH Parking Permit. The ETSO attempts to inform the NIH staff of parking policy changes using global email. In specific cases, the use of website alerts, fliers, signs, and news articles may be utilized. ETSO is not involved with or responsible for any parking citations or law enforcement actions taken on the NIH Campus. Those enforcement matters should be addressed to the NIH Division of Police. The use of NIH parking permits is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure they are up-to-date and compliant with all parking policies and regulations.
By accepting an NIH parking permit you acknowledge and accept the following terms and conditions:
- Any person who knowingly makes a false representation on this application may be subject to a criminal prosecution potentially resulting in a fine or imprisonment, or both, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001 and to disciplinary actions, including the revocation of parking privileges, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Chapter 75 and 5 C.F.R. Part 752.
- The parking permit (hanger) is the property of NIH and must be returned to the NIH Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) upon separation from the Government or when the holder is no longer eligible for the permit.
- The permit cannot be transferred.
- The permit must be properly displayed while parked on the NIH Campus – Bethesda, Maryland, and is valid through the last day of the month and year displayed.
- Anyone using this permit inappropriately is subject to possible administrative and/or criminal penalties, including ticketing and towing of the vehicle.
- If you are renewing, please destroy or discard your old parking permit in the trash.
- You have read and understand the NIH Parking Policy, Manual Chapter 1410, and will adhere to all rules and regulations within the policy and abide by policy applications administrated by the program managers.
Report Lost/Stolen Parking Permit
If your NIH permit is lost or missing, submit a “
Report Lost/Stolen Hanger" through the CAPS system. A replacement permit will be mailed to your home address, and a temporary 2-week permit will be emailed to you for immediate use. To apply, visit the
NIH Commuting and Parking Services Member Portal.
If the permit was stolen, you will need to provide a police report number with your request.
Parking Areas
The following examples highlight what is typically found throughout the NIH Campus for certain levels of parking. Please be aware of the parking areas where you are parked, and only park in those areas where your permit is valid.
**MLP-9 and ACRF B10 Garages - Sticker Requirement**

Parking in the MLP-9 and ACRF garages is reserved Monday-Friday for those persons who work in Building 10.
To qualify for a B10 sticker, your NED record must identify your duty station as Building 10. A sticker will be issued for your parking hanger. Once placed on your parking permit as shown above, it authorizes you to park in the MLP-9 and the ACRF garages.
Please be aware that you will need your NIH Parking Hanger (all designations), with the sticker, to park in these two areas and avoid possible enforcement actions. Signage of the entrance of both the ACRF and MLP-9 garages has been placed detailing this new special permit requirement.
WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? Construction projects in and near the northwest portion of the NIH campus will limit parking and the ability to traverse around this portion of the campus. To allow Building 10 staff to park near their workplace, it has been determined that restricting parking and the ACRF and MLP-9 garages to Building 10 staff only will assist with this effort.
WHAT ARE SOME OTHER CHANGES? These construction projects will require the closure of the P-1 entrance to the ACRF garage and eliminate up to 50 parking spaces on each of the P-1, P-2, and P-3 levels, as well as suspend stacked parking, causing over 150 parking spaces to be eliminated. The closure of the P-1 entrance will also put an additional strain on the P-3 entrance for entry, exit, and security inspections.
In addition to the reserved parking in the ACRF garage and MLP-9 garages, to offset the loss of these parking spaces and to assist in reducing the pressure at the P-3 entrance, the ORS, ORF, and the CC are implementing some additional changes to assist with staff in determining where to park:
- Implement stack parking in Lot 10H.
- Instituting a Building 10 Express Shuttle circulating between lots 41 and 42 directly to the Building 10 South entrance at peak times.
To request a B10 sticker, email
NIH General Parking Areas (General, Off-Campus, Contractor, FVG)
Executive (Red) Parking Areas
Reserved Parking (24 hours)
Gold Disability
Visitor Parking Areas
Special Permitting Areas
Government Vehicle Parking Areas
Motorcycle Parking Areas