Employee Shuttles
Page Content
GPS-based arrival time Information:
Download the "AMC Shuttle for NIH" app using the links below on your mobile device.
Apple App Store: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/amc-shuttle-for-nih/id6736950828
Google Play: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bishoppeaktech.android.amcnih
Other Shuttle Information
Patient Shuttles
NIH offers Shuttles exclusively for patients and their visitors. For more information please click on the image for routes and schedules.

NCI Operated Shuttles
NCI Shady Grove Shuttle Services
Click on the links below for
shuttle schedules:
These shuttles are managed by NCI. Riders must display an NIH ID card to ride this shuttle. For more information, contact Gehmelle Johnson at 240-276-5542 or email ncishadygroveshuttle@mail.nih.gov
General Information
Safety Reminder
For your safety, drivers will
only permit patrons to board or exit a shuttle bus at a designated shuttle stop. If a driver does not follow this contract requirement, disciplinary actions will be taken.
Bike 'N Ride - NIH Shuttles
NIH Bicyclists can transport bicycles on all of the NIH shuttles. The shuttles are equipped with the same bike racks as the Metro buses. For instructions on how to use the bike racks visit
Contact Information
Sean Cullinane
Quality Assurance Specialist
Telephone: (301) 496-4998
NIH Shuttles Lost and Found
Employee Shuttles: (301) 435-4010
Patient Shuttles: (301) 496-1161
NIH Police: (301)496-5685