We've Moved!
American Heart Month - February
February is American Heart Month at the NIH, and DATS will partner with NHLBI to present an interactive lecture on the prevention of heart disease. Stay tuned for more information as the date draws closer.
Nutrition Awareness - March
The NIH honors National Nutrition Month by partnering with NIDDK and the campus cafes to offer a fun, interactive nutrition seminar and healthy cafeteria specials throughout the month. Stay tuned for more information.
Take Your Child to Work / Earth Day - April
Each year, the NIH community comes together to celebrate Earth Day, with several activities planned. Stay tuned for more information and how you can contribute to the green initiatives on the NIH campuses.
The NIH also recognizes and participates in Take Your Child to Work Day in April with various children's activities planned each year. Stay tuned for more information.
Celebrated every year in April, National Minority Health Month is an effort to raise awareness about health disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minority populations. The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and the Office of Research Services sponsor an annual 5K to raise awareness.
Physical Activity Initiatives - May & June
In May & June, DATS partners with the NIH community including the R&W, DOHS & ORWH to bring employees several options for physical activity and wellness. A few upcoming events include:
- Fitness & Wellness Classes
Eye Injury Prevention & Summer Safety - July
In June, several community health and wellness events will be honored in partnership with DOHS and NCAMM to include:
- Eye Injury Prevention
- UV Safety
- Mindfulness lecture
August Initiatives
- World Breastfeeding Week in partnership with EAP
- Summer Sun Safety Month
September Initiatives
- Car Free Day
- NIH Institute Relay
- National Awareness Yoga Month
October Initiatives
- National Depression Screening Day
Healthy Holidays - November
- American Diabetes Month
- Healthy Holidays Lecture Series
Healthy Holidays - December
Add some exercise into your day; Walk instead of riding the NIH Shuttle!