NIH Basic Principles for Minimizing Transmission of Respiratory Viruses
The NIH uses the following basic principles to minimize the transmission of and risk of exposure to respiratory viruses:
Risk Assessment
The risk of exposure is determined by a number of factors, including (but not limited to) the infectious dose and transmissibility and virulence of the viral variant, the size of the space, the vaccination rates of staff, the ventilation and air filtration in buildings, the use of protective equipment, the duration of exposure, and the number of personnel present. Host factors such as whether the individual is immunocompromised, has a condition that places them at high risk for a poor outcome if infected, and whether or not they live or work closely with immunocompromised or high-risk individuals are also considered. The NIH will make informed decisions that reduce risk based on this knowledge.
Symptom Self-monitoring and Testing
Each of us knows our physical health better than anyone else. NIH staff experiencing symptoms of a respiratory illness should stay home (or leave immediately if at work). Notify your supervisor to discuss options for leave or telework. Speak to your personal healthcare provider about testing options.
Maximizing Ventilation and Filtration
To minimize the concentration of airborne viral particles, the NIH will maximize the use of fresh air in occupied spaces. Where possible, the NIH will install the highest filtration efficiency filters that are usable by each HVAC system that recirculates air. Enhanced filtration and increased fresh air intake will help dilute airborne viral particles in the buildings.
Vaccines for COVID-19, influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are readily available in the community. Maintaining high vaccination rates among NIH employees and contractors is fundamental to minimizing workplace transmission of these viruses and reducing the severity of infections.
When properly used, surgical masks and N95 respirators can be highly effective at reducing the spread of respiratory viruses. They serve as source control, reducing the potential to infect others. N95s, and to a lesser extent surgical masks and face coverings, can also provide protection for personnel that may be potentially exposed to respiratory viruses.
Workplace Flexibility
Maximizing the use of telework, leave options, and other administrative controls can greatly reduce workplace exposure by minimizing contact with others that may be infected. The NIH staff showed remarkable resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The staff demonstrated the ability to perform exceptional science and provide excellent customer service with many working remotely. Using the tools that were refined during the pandemic (including virtual meetings), the NIH can continue to adjust to conditions that can rapidly change.