The following links provide important safety information for personnel that work with animals at the National Institutes of Health:
Occupational Safety and Health Protection for Federal Employees Poster
NIH Manual Chapters Related to Safety
Chemical Safety and Compliance
Environmental Safety and Compliance
Industrial Hygiene
Primary Barrier Equipment
Employee Assistance Program
Occupational Medical Service Procedures
Hazard Communication Posters
Additional Animal Resources
Some NIH sites may provide links to other Internet sites only for the convenience of World Wide Web users. NIH is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does NIH endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other Internet sites. The following icon
designates an external link.
The links presented below are intended to aid the researcher in practicing safe science when working with biological agents:
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The links presented below have been established to ensure chemical safety and compliance:
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Industrial Hygiene
The links presented below provide information on controlling environmental factors arising in or from the NIH workplace in order to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses:
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The links presented below provide information on procedures that enhance the health and safety of the NIH workforce through the provision of a variety of work-related medical and counseling services:
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The links presented below are posters that may be printed and posted:
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The links presented below provide more information that is useful for animal-related personnel:
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