How to Prepare for Work-Related International Travel
Four to six weeks prior to travel, employees are encouraged to fax at (301) 402-0673) or via e-mail ( a completed
Travel Immunization Request Form to OMS. Authorized travel orders may be submitted but their submission may be after the Travel Immunization Request Form has been submitted and began processing.
An OMS provider will contact the traveler to schedule an appointment based on the recommendations for immunizations, medications and other preventative measures. Appointments are scheduled two to three weeks prior to travel to ensure effectiveness of immunizations.
Premium Class Travel Accommodations for Employees with Medical Conditions
The traveler must submit a completed
Request for Premium Class Travel Accommodations Form and copies of existing, relevant medical records reflecting care that he or she has received in the past 24 months for the condition that is the basis of the application to OMS. Although the traveler may submit a letter from his or her treating physician summarizing the medical basis for the request, a letter is not required and is usually not an acceptable substitute for relevant medical records.
An OMS physician will review the records in confidence and offer a recommendation on the application to the Deputy Director for Management.