This year, judges awarded first place to Diane Poole and Amanda Vandeveer for their photo entitled, "Biospecimen Inventory" (Figure 1). Second place also went to an entry submitted by Diane Poole and Amanda Vandeveer for their photograph of a crew of workers demonstrating hardhat safety (Figure 2). Third place was awarded to Dale Lewis, PhD for his photo demonstrating a fireman wearing appropriate safety gear (Figure 3).
Congratulations to these fine photographers for their role in promoting a safe workplace for all at NIH.
In Focus! 2013 Winners
The Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) recently announced the winners of the 2013 "In Focus! Safe Workplaces for All" photo contest. For the third year, this contest inspired workers to focus on safety and served as an entertaining way to document workplace safety. It challenged anyone with a passion for photography to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with the NIH community. The goals of the contest were to: further efforts to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses; educate and underscore the importance of safety; foster innovation to create shared solutions; and, achieve community involvement by relying on talent, imagination and creativity to raise awareness of workplace safety and health.
Final selection of winning photographs was made by a panel of NIH professionals which included graphic design specialists from the Division of Medical Arts and the Managing Editor of the NIH Catalyst.
This year, judges awarded first place to Dale Lewis, PhD, Staff Scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for his photo which featured a laboratory workplace and two employees wearing protective equipment and following safety procedures (Figure 1). Second place also went to an entry submitted by Dr. Lewis for his photograph of a crew of workers washing windows at the new addition to the Porter Neuroscience Research Center Building (Figure 2). Third place was awarded to two NCI employees, Diane Poole and Amanda Lyon for their innovative, comic-strip style portrayal of “Safety Girl” (Figure 3).
On Wednesday, January 8, 2014, the winners were formally recognized for their outstanding contributions to promoting workplace safety throughout the NIH community at the Quarterly IC Safety Chair Committee Meeting. The Deputy Director of the DOHS, Herbert Jacobi was the emcee of the ceremony and awards were presented by the Director of the Office of Research Services, Alfred C. Johnson, PhD. (Figures 4 and 5).
Congratulations to these fine photographers for their role in promoting a safe workplace for all at NIH.
Figure 1. First Place: Photograph by Dr. Dale Lewis, PhD.

Figure 2. Second Place. Photograph by Dale Lewis, PhD.
Figure 3. Third Place. Photograph by Diane Poole and Amanda Lyon.
Figure 4. Director of the Office of Research Services, Alfred C. Johnson, PhD (left) and first and second place recipient, Dale Lewis, PhD (right).

Figure 5. Third place winners Amanda Lyon (left) and Diane Poole (right) received awards from Office of Research Services Director, Alfred C. Johnson, PhD (center).
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In Focus! 2012 Winners
2012 “In-Focus! Safe Workplaces for All” Photo Contest Winners Announced!
Three contest winners announced.
The Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) announced the winners of the second annual "In Focus! Safe Workplaces for All" photo contest.
The first place honors were given to Howard “Wes” Hickman, administrative staff at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), for his photograph of Towanda Carroll (Figure 1).
There was a tie for second place between Mr. Hickman and Dale Lewis, PhD, Staff Scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for two construction-related photographs (Figures 2 and 3, respectively).
Third place was awarded to Dr. Samarendra Singh, a visiting research fellow working under Dr. Martin Gilbert at the
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
On Thursday, February 14th, Dr. Deborah Wilson, Director of the DOHS, formally recognized the contest winners and expressed great gratitude for their outstanding contributions to promoting workplace safety throughout the NIH community. Winning photos appear on the monthly DOHS “Eye on Safety” Newsletter posted on
AHEALTHYSAFENIH@LIST.NIH.GOV at and will be used in upcoming safety posters and pamphlets.
Congratulations to these photographers for their role in promoting a safe workplace for all at the NIH.
Figure 1. First Place: Photograph by Howard Hickman
Figure 2. Second Place (tie): Photograph by Howard Hickman
Figure 3. Second Place (tie): Photograph by Dr. Dale Lewis
Figure 4.
Third Place: Photograph by Dr. Samarenda Singh
Figure 5. The 2012 “In-Focus! Safe Workplaces for All” Photo Contest Winners (Left to Right): Dr. Samarendra Singh, Dr. Dale Lewis and Mr. Howard “Wes” Hickman.
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In Focus! 2011 Winners
The National Institutes of Health, Office of Research Services, Division of Occupational Health and Safety is pleased to announce the winners of the "In Focus! Safe Workplaces for All" photo contest!
Thank you to all who submitted their images of workplace safety and health. The "In Focus! Safe Workplaces for All" photo contest challenged NIH employees with a passion for photography to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with DOHS. This contest motivated workers to keep an eye on safety and served as an entertaining way to document achievements. It challenged anyone with a passion for photography to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with the Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS). The overall goal of the contest was to further efforts to reduce personal injuries and illnesses; educate and underscore the importance of safety; foster innovation to create shared solutions; and achieve community involvement by relying on talent, imagination and creativity to raise awareness of workplace safety and health.
Congratulations to the winning photographers for their role in promoting a safe workplace for all at NIH.
1st Place
Submitted and Photographed by Daniel Appella
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