Are You Up for the Challenge?
to Dr. Barbara M. Alving
and her employees in the National Center for Research Resources
for being our 2010 NIH HealthierFeds Trophy Winner*
Which Institute/Center (IC) will be our 2010 Champion?
The Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) are asking all NIH employees and contractors "Are You Up for the Challenge?" in joining other Federal agencies around the world in starting or continuing a physical activity that fits their lifestyle � and helps their agency become a HealthierFeds Champion!
fully supports the President's HealthierUS
initiative for a healthier America.
The "Four Pillars," or key elements, of this initiative are:
- Be physically active every day;
- Eat a nutritious diet;
- Get preventive screenings;
- Make healthy choices.
The Challenge is designed to include all Federal employees and contractors, from those who already practice an active lifestyle to those who currently are less active. Participants can choose from nearly 100 activities to earn points, offering enough variety and flexibility to sustain their interest and enthusiasm. There is a wealth of scientific evidence showing that as little as 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (equal in intensity to brisk walking) done on most, if not all, days of the week has substantial health benefits for adults.