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​​Contact NIH Police

Bethesda, MD- Main Campus

On Campus: (301) 496-9911
Campus Phone: 911

On Campus:(301) 496-5685
Campus Phone: ​311

NIH Police Office
Building 31, Room B3B17
31 Center Drive MSC 2012
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-2012
Phone: 301-496-2387
Fax: 301-402-0394
Email: policechief@nih.gov​


Contact Information

For questions regarding parking tickets, contact:

NIH Police Traffic Sergeant

To arrange payment for overdue parking tickets, contact:

U.S. District Court

Building 31, Room B3B17
Phone: 301-496-2387
Non-Emergency Calls 311 or 301-496-5685
Fax: 301-402-0394​

Parking Tickets

Unpaid Parking Tickets

The Central Violations Bureau of the United States District Court continually states that there are thousands of outstanding parking citations with overdue fines totaling in excess of $300,000. In an effort to collect the fines and bring these tickets to closure, the U.S. District Court has solicited each individual state and the District of Columbia for assistance. The Motor Vehicle Administration in each state and the District of Columbia will flag the registrations of vehicles owned by parking scofflaws.

If a vehicle's registration is flagged, automobile tags will not be renewed until all outstanding tickets are paid. Vehicle owners may be without tags for an extended period of time based on the amount of time required to determine what tickets are outstanding and for the court system to report that the ticket(s) has been paid.

While violators are subject to fines and/or imprisonment in accordance with the parking regulations, the Associate Director for Security and Emergency Response is authorized to revoke or refuse to issue or renew a violator's NIH Parking Permit. Participation in the NIH TRANSHARE Program may also be at risk. This authority is normally used when employees have repeated parking offenses.

The court will routinely provide NIH Police a list of employees who have received parking citations. The NIH Police will review these lists for overdue parking tickets (unpaid fines or court date has passed). Once identified, enforcement action(s) will be taken, including the possibility of having your vehicle(s) towed. Your vehicle could be identified while parked at NIH by an officer performing his routine parking enforcement duties. Or, you may be pulled over while operating your motor vehicle by an officer for some traffic infraction. In this case, an automatic registration check of your vehicle could result in your car being towed. In either case, you will at that time, be summoned to your vehicle and issued a "Mandatory Appearance" citation to appear in court to settle the "outstanding citations."

Disposition of Traffic Citations

As a matter of law, all traffic citations issued by the NIH Police are accountable to the U.S. District Court, irrespective of the charge, circumstances involved, or the location of the offense on the campus.

Persons issued traffic tickets for moving or parking violations have the following recourse:

  1. Pay the collateral per the instructions on the ticket
  2. Appear in court and stand trial if the ticket requires a Mandatory Appearance
  3. Stand trial on the date and time and at the court specified either on the ticket or as provided through the mail by the Central Violations Bureau.

A. D. Hinton, Division of Police