New Users
Any individual who has never used radioactive materials at the NIH must meet the requirements listed below. No individual may utilize radioactive material or work with radiation-emitting devices at the NIH until each of the below requirements have been met. Individuals under 18 years of age should refer to the Requirements for Minors Intending to Use Radiation at NIH.
Returning Users
Former researchers returning to the NIH after less than four years who intend to use radioactive material and/or radiation-emitting devices must:
- Notify DRS to be reactivated
- Provide DRS with current work information including authorized user, lab location, and phone number
- Complete any mandatory refresher training. No new training is required.
- Complete and submit the online dosimeter evaluation form
Former researchers returning to the NIH after more than four years who intend to use radioactive material and/or radiation-emitting devices must:
Authorized Users
Authorized users who have been inactive for less than four years:
If you were an AU prior to leaving the NIH, and/or have been inactive for less than four years, you can become re-authorized upon your return or reactivated as an AU by completing and submitting revised Application for Radionuclide Authorization NIH 465-1 and dosimeter evaluation form, and any mandated refresher courses the registrant may have missed while inactive. It is also recommended that you take the online Authorized Users review training.
Authorized users who have been inactive for more than four years:
If you have been inactive for more than four years, you must retake the online Radiation Safety in the Laboratory course and reapply for authorization by completing and submitting a revised Application for Radionuclide Authorization NIH 465-1, updated dosimeter evaluation form, and any mandated Radiation Safety Refresher Training courses the registrant may have missed while inactive.
It is also recommended that you take the online Authorized Users review training. While not required to re-take the online Authorized Users review training, you are encouraged to do so if you have been away from NIH or inactive for a number of years.
Other Users
Former users of radioactive materials returning to the NIH after less than four years who intend to use radioactive material and/or radiation-emitting devices must:
- Notify DRS to be reactivated
- Provide DRS with current work information including authorized user, lab location, and phone number
- Complete any mandatory refresher training. No new training is required.
- Complete and submit the online dosimeter evaluation form
Former users of radioactive materials returning to the NIH after more than four years who intend to use radioactive material and/or radiation-emitting devices must: