​Events Management Branch (EMB) ​supported COVID -19 Satellite Media Tours connecting NIAID Director, Dr. Fauci, with 25 news and media outlets

"​During my weeks being sick with COVID-19 and during my time in recovery, every NIH employee that I had contact with showed the utmost compassion, concern, and professionalism…Both my family and I are extremely grateful to NIH for all it has done."
Division of ​Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC) developed procedures to continue providing badging services while maintaining maximum safety.​
Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS)​ delivered effective and daily communications for HHS and NIH for COVID-19 index case reporting while preserving patient privacy.
Medical Arts Branch (MAB) provided 65 COVID-19 downloadable digital materials to the NIH community (English and Spanish versions)​​
​​Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) conducted 5 health and well-being seminars in 2020 1,182 registered 713 live participants

EMB oversaw collaboration with the NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison​, CIT, and NCI to provide a virtual platform for Dr. Collins’ COVID-19 Town Hall which was the largest virtual meeting  that has ever take place at NIH. 
DOHS cleared 821 workers for return to work​ after COVID-19 infection.​

​Occupational Medical Services (OMS)​ completed 852 contact investigations ​
​The NIH Library had 8,237 attendees for all training sessions in calendar year 2020​
"The efforts of the Division of Veterinary Resources gave him the best opportunity to recover. This is a very long and complicated case so rather than go into details what I want to convey to you is there was a significant level of effort put forward by many in DVR to help this animal…which my staff and I greatly appreciate."
Division of International Services (DIS) processed over 100 exceptional extensions in 2020, an increase of 100% over previous years
​DATS conducted 14 child and family seminars in 2020 with 3,318 participants
OneNIH was developed in partnership with DOHS​, the NIH Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management, and the NIH ​Division of Logistics Services which is a strategic buying initiative to provide and ensure safe, approved, quality personal protective equipment is available to NIH customers through the NIH Supply Center.​
​The NIH Shuttle Contract was modified in March 2020 to require the shuttle contractor to disinfect all vehicles in the shuttle fleet. ​
DOHS cleared 100+ labs to ensure remediation personnel could safely perform the disinfection in Buildings 10, 50, and 29B
DIS processed over 100 ‘Extend Absence Abroad’ for Visiting Fellows​ delayed in their return to NIH after ​​travel overseas, a 179% increase over previous years
​DATS provided 20 child and family programs and services outreach presentations to ICs reaching a total of 1,191 employees
MAB, DOHS, and Information Technology Branch ​collaboration produced digital materials via the COVID-19 Resources page on the MAB website in record time. 
DOHS spearheaded an NIH Coronavirus Safety Guidance Video for mandatory viewing by over 18,000 NIH staff.

DOHS developed NIH Safety Guidance for Return to Physical Workplace for risk mitigation.​

​​​DOHS deployed an online COVID-19 Reporting Tool and Anonymous Tip Line for IC leadership’s real-time corrective action and ​received 230 submissions to date.​​

DOHS conducted more than​ 100 Activity Hazard Analyses for food service, childcare, shuttle buses, surgeries, library, supply stores, CIT, and security offices
​DATS conducted 239 fitness classes in 2020 with 20,513 views​
DOHS conducted 1338 N95 respirator fit tests for nurses, researchers, animal care personnel, and emergency response staff
DOHS collected, managed, and distributed 1,997 respirators, 126,918 face shields and masks, and 197,345 pairs of gloves from 15 ICs, and partnered with the Office of Logistics and Acquistion Operations to identify alternate cleaning supplies to combat shortages and root out counterfeit products. ​
DOHS partnered with the Office of Research Facilities to develop data-based guidance and recommendations to NIH staff for waste disposal and cleaning procedures for areas occupied by a COVID-19 infected staff, resulting in a benchmark adopted by U.S. academic institutions.​
DOHS conducted 125 mold and water intrusion investigations​
DOHS provided more than 24,184 integrated pest management services and an equal number of reports to customers at the NIH​​
Security and Emergency Response ​​(SER) assisted OMS in developing and implementing a COVID-19 call center as well as operational flow charts for COVID response within the call center and OMS to facilitate processing the COVID-19 positive cases of NIH employees and staff members.​ 
Office of Quality Management developed computer simulation models to assist in planning for COVID-19 surveillance testing sample collection.​
DOHS​ conducted 2,694 AED maintenance visits
DOHS provided CPR training to 223 individuals​
DOHS​ provided 7,427 blood pressure readings​
DATS conducted 31 food facility inspections
"[My friend] directed me to go in the Cedar Lane entrance. There, I met the nicest, most professional group of security people I have ever met. Having worked for the government for more than three decades at senior levels and having traveled the world, I have met security people at physical access locations in many government buildings, airports, border crossings, and a lot of other places, including in Washington, DC, major U.S. cities, and around the world. The NIH folks were the best I have encountered. Each person I talked to at this entrance greeted me very warmly, explained to me what the security procedure was, and wished me a great day. They were all friendly to me and to each other. They were also thorough and professional. They are a super asset to NIH and certainly did a wonderful job.​"
DOHS staff collaborated with NIAID and other researched-based ICOs​ to ensure quick implementation of BSL-2 enhanced lab and basic BSL-3 labs practices and safety-related protocols.
DIS assisted over 2820 foreign national scientists at NIH in FY 2020.

MAB​​ completed 32 visual materials for public information objectives​
DOHS​ conducted 695 potable water ​analyses​
DATS partnered with Eurest Dining Services to introduce new service models to reach the remaining staff, patients, and visitors. 
DOHS oversaw the development of the OMS COVID-19 contact tracing process.

The Division of Emergency Management and Division of Fire & Rescue Services  developed the ORS Incident Management Team (IMT) structure. This structure is responsible for the continual oversight of operations relating to the COVID-19 response.
DIS partnered with the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education and the NIH Office of Intranural Research to develop a plan for addressing research interruptions due to COVID-19. The outcome was the approval to extend their fellowships for an additional six months without penalty.

DOHS spearheaded a trans-NIH communication strategy including a COVID-19 resource webpage containing safety and wellness materials to ensure adherence to social distancing guidelines for NIH staff.​ 
DOHS coordinated with the NIH Office of Human Resources to pilot a daily self-reporting questionnaire, within a 24-hour timeframe, to fulfill the HHS and CDC mandate for daily COVID-19 symptom monitoring​​ 

DOHS provided 31 COVID-19 workplace trainings with 3K staff, 119 consultations with supervisors, and 7,279 contacts with 750 clients to support NIH staff mental health.​
DOHS launched with NIMH the Here to​​ Listen Staff Support Line which enhanced the Employee Assistance Program and other ORS-wellness programs for remote access.
DOHS provided safety training to 17,042 members of the NIH community​
DOHS established an NIH Call Center and facilitated coordination with the CC HIMD and OMS staff to provide real-time counsel for staff with COVID-19 concerns, symptoms or high-risk exposures.​
SER modified security measures to include COVID-19 precautions. 

DVR spearheaded extraordinary, proactive effort to protect personnel and research animals while supporting critical COVID-19 research.
NIH Parking Office developed an online services center to continue to provide parking permits to new employees as well as renewals and continue to provide Transhare benefits for employees.​
