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Office of Research Services

Serving the NIH Community

Diagnostic & Research Services

​​​​​​​DVR supports the NIH intramural research program by operating a central animal diagnostic laboratory that receives laboratory animals and specimens for evaluation. The Diagnostic & Research Services Branch of DVR provides, manages and evaluates a wide variety of scientific services to support the NIH intramural research program in the broad areas of veterinary pathology, animal health surveillance, and clinical microbiology.

Services include rodent animal health surveillance, bacteriology, serology, parasitology, contract PCR, necropsy, gross pathology and histopathology.​

Diagnostic and research image collage

Diagnostic & Research Service Areas
Bacteriology image

​​DVR operates a clinical veterinary bacteriology laboratory in support of the NIH intramural program.

Health surveillance image - microscope
Health Surveillance

DVR supports centralized animal health surveillance programs by monitoring most NIH animal colonies.

Pathology image - microscope slides

Mouse Phenotyping image
Mouse Phenotyping

Mouse phenotyping services are available to evaluate for genetic expression.