​​​​​​​​​​​​​Responsive to changing conditions and led the evolution of the COVID-19 Management System to a secure online format for uploading the COVID-19 vaccinations based on staff on-site designation and ICO hiring category; processed/validated over 34,370 submissions, including 600 exemption requests.​​

Scientific lectures, conferences and symposiums

Delivered effective and daily communications for HHS and NIH for COVID-19 index case reporting while preserving patient privacy.
​Calls to the Emergency Communications Center
Pounds of food collected through the Feds Feed Families campaign​​​​​
​Executed a remediation plan for the GAO audit findings on cybersecurity vulnerabilities resulting in a remediation of 166 findings and an improved overall security posture while minimizing business impacts to system owners and customers at three locations: Bethesda, Frederick and Montana.

Supported in-home COVID-19 testing and the vaccine mandate for contractors and visitors and communicated to vendors the responsibility of compliance verification, to be fully vaccinated or have a recent negative COVID test.​
Integrat​​​​​ed pest ma​nagement services and reports​​ to customers 

Fire extinguisher inspections conducted
Downloaded 5,253,984 articles under the Scientific Resources.
​Spearheaded migration from pandemic COVID-19 response to “endemic" phase, migrating from all-volunteer workforce to contractor base; performed continuous cost/benefit evaluation of ORS effort in COVID response and need to redirect efforts to limit staff burnout and burden while protecting workplace safety.

Hazardous Work Permits issued by the Security and Emergency Response team 
Attendees for all NIH Library training sessions​ in calendar year 2022
Laid groundwork to re-envision safety at all NIH locations, including a proposal to create a new Institutional Biosafety Committees, institute a new chemical safety program, and a more​ prominent role for the Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) in dual use research programs.​
Created a comprehensive Systematic Review and Scoping plan to process new requests. The NIH Library's Biomedical Librarians completed 107 systematic reviews.​
Received and processed approximately 1,530 cases for foreign national trainees and FTEs. 
Registrants for child and family seminars​
NIH badges issued

Number of Foreign National Contractor badge inquiries and badges validated
Fitness classes with 15,190 online views
​​​ Developed the NIH Visitor Vaccination Attestation for guests to gain ac​cess to the NIH campus, by following HHS' Safer Federal Workforce guidance, making it safer for staff and patients.

e-QIP background investigations initiated

Help De​sk (re​source mailbox) emails received and responded to by Scientific Resources staff
​Average children enrolled monthly across childcare centers

New security cameras installed
Continued and expanded partnership with HHS OPDIVS regarding COVID-19 pandemic response (safety guidance, vaccine implementation, testing programs) and ensured consistent application and risk assessment of topics published by the Safer Federal Workforce across HHS. 
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​​​​​Upgraded the NIH Audiovisual Hybrid System to improve the hybrid meeting capability for VIP events.
Number of Hits on the International Services webpage
Pieces of interoffice mail delivered

​​​​​Replaced four sealed source irradiators with alternate technolog​​y for a total savings of approximately $725K for the ICOs.

Total outgoing Mail
Total incoming mail - 1,922,913
​ ​
Created a 50+ in-person Event Request Status and Signature Tracking System to route and track all Safer COVID-19 in-person request forms.

Bacteriology samples processed
Parasitology samples processed

Safety trainings provided to the NIH community


​​Advocated for in-person sign language interpretation as a standard of practice at multiple NIH-level and ICO-level Town Halls; one measure of success was increased sign-language costs of $1M this past year.​​​
Utilized existing shuttles to provide Express Shuttle Services with earlier start​ times to increase shift work ridership and reduce pedestrian traffic along the South Drive entrance of the NIH Bethesda campus.

Hours of ALS/CART computer assis​ted real time services

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