In an effort to minimize login disruptions for staff whose certificates will expire in the coming weeks while we are all heavily dependent on remote access to NIH IT resources during this COVID-19 pandemic, the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC) will be sending out reminders to Employees, Contractors, and Affiliates whose PIV card certificates will be expiring in the next four weeks (now through early May). This reminder will be in addition to the standard automated messages you receive regarding your upcoming badge or certificate renewals.
DPSAC strongly recommends that all staff with a Windows computer use the Access Card Utility (ACU) to renew your certificates *BEFORE THEY EXPIRE.* To check the availability of the ACU in your Institute, Center, or Office, please visit:
Anyone who does not have access to the ACU (including all staff with a non-Windows computers, e.g., Mac users) must visit a Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) or visit the DPSAC main office in Building 31, Room 1B03. To find an LWS in your Institute, Center, or Office, please visit: NIH strongly recommends accessing the ACU to avoid the need to come to the NIH campus unnecessarily.
Please note, many LWS stations are temporarily closed with LWS operators now teleworking. These changes have been added to the LWS directory. Nevertheless, it is recommended that anyone who requires certificate renewals contact the person listed on the LWS directory prior to coming into the DPSAC main office in Building 31, Room 1B03.
DPSAC main office now offers badging services (including certificate renewals) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment only.
If your certificates do expire, you must visit, in person, either an LWS or an NIH badging office (either DPSAC or at Research Triangle Park, NC).
Once your certificates have been updated, remember to follow the steps posted at: to update your computer.
If you need help, please contact the NIH IT Service Desk:
301-496-4357 (HELP), 301-496-8294 (TTY), or 1-866-319-4357 (HELP)
See also: Alternatives to Update Your PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) or Certificates Before They Expire