The NIH has received some questions about the message below regarding PIV Card Certificate expirations. The following clarifies and provides additional information about alternatives for anyone who does not have access to the Access Card Utility (ACU) to renew certificates or PIV cards before they expire.
The NIH is committed to and has been working on alternatives for impacted staff so you can continue working remotely and securely during this period of maximized telework and 'Stay at Home' orders. Please note the majority of NIH is not directly impacted as less than 10 percent of NIH staff have PIV cards and/or certificates set to expire before June 30, 2020. Your Institute, Center, or Office (ICO) has a list of staff who have PIV cards or certificates expiring on or after March 1, 2020 and is working to coordinate how to best help you stay connected if you are impacted.
As mentioned below, the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC) will be sending out reminders to Employees, Contractors, and Affiliates whose PIV card certificates will be expiring in the next four weeks (now through early May). This reminder will be in addition to the standard automated messages you receive regarding your upcoming badge or certificate renewals. Please watch for these messages or contact your local IC IT support group if you have specific questions or needs.
Additionally, DPSAC will reach out directly to Employees, Contractors, and Affiliates whose PIV cards are set to expire in the upcoming weeks. Individuals will be asked if they would like to come in to obtain their new PIV card. For individuals who do not wish to visit the NIH campus, DPSAC will advise and outline the available solutions to help ensure sustained logical access, while presenting the best course of action on an individualized basis.
As a point of clarification, all staff with a Windows computer and functional PIV card should use the ACU to renew certificates before they expire. You can also use the ACU to extend your PIV certificates if your badge is going to expire. However, for the latter, you must work with DPSAC when they reach out so they can ensure the systems are configured to accommodate this change. To check the availability of the ACU in your IC, please visit: If you don't see the ACU listed, contact your IC IT support group for assistance. They can install it for you.
Attention MAC Users
The Center for Information Technology (CIT) is also working with IC IT staff on a self-service solution that will allow all staff with a Macintosh computer and a functional PIV card to remotely renew certificates before they expire. This capability should be available in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, anyone who is unable to use their PIV card due to a malfunction or who does not have access to the ACU may visit the NIH Campus to get it fixed or replaced or choose one of the following alternatives to avoid coming to campus:
- Alternative 1: For anyone that requires network access, request an RSA soft token to use instead of your PIV card to securely and remotely access the NIH network and IT resources. These RSA soft tokens are available now and can be distributed electronically. You do not need to come to campus to pick them up. Contact your local IT support or the NIH IT Service Desk [, 301-496-4357 (HELP), 301-496-8294 (TTY), or 1-866-319-4357 (HELP)] for assistance.
- Alternative 2: For anyone that only needs access to Office 365 (email, calendar, Skype, etc.) and does not require network access, a secure alternative authentication method is available. Contact your local IT support or the NIH IT Service Desk [, 301-496-4357 (HELP), 301-496-8294 (TTY), or 1-866-319-4357 (HELP)] for assistance.