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Office of Research Services

Serving the NIH Community


​​​​​DVR monitors lab animal feed and bedding purchased for use at NIH. The DVR laboratory animal nutritionist conducts a lab animal feed and bedding quality assurance program, formulates standard diets and special diets for specific research protocols, and is available to consult with investigators and veterinarians who require assistance in the selection, formulation, and analysis of lab animal diets and bedding.​

Quality Assurance Plan

DVR Laboratory Animal Feed Quality Assur​ance Plan​

Quality Assurance Testing Results

QA Testing Results 

*Files are provided by independent sources and may not be fully compatible with Section 508 accessible standards. For alternative formats or other information on these reports, please contact DVR Nutrition at (301) 402-7255 or by email.

Nutrition Standards and Feed and Bedding Specifications

​​For a complete list of the NIH Nutrition Standards and the Feed and Bedding Specifications visit the DVR Resources Nutrition page.


Email: Nutri​tion
Phone: (301) 402-7255​​​


