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Office of Research Services

Serving the NIH Community


Radiation Safety Refresher Training Modules

​Radiation Safety refresher training modules are provided to enhance and maintain knowledge of DRS protocols and procedures when working with radioactive materials at the National Institutes of Health. ​The broad scope  license agreement​ between the NIH and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission​ ​requires the DRS to provide a training program to all employees who may use or encounter ionizing radiation while performing their work duties.

This agreement requires refresher training on a periodic basis and active users are required to complete each training module they are issued. Previous modules are listed below​​ for legacy review.  

To receive a list of the specific training modules required for your role, view Required Trainings by User Type. ​​ ​NIH credentials are required to view all training modules.​​​

Current Refresher Training

The refresher training modules listed below are not required training for new users working with radioactive materials at NIH, nor do they represent any DRS training specifically required for your role at the NIH. ​Users are encouraged to complete these trainings to improve their proficiency in radiological requirements.

Previous Refresher Trainings

Specialty Refresher Trainings​


​​Questions about​​​ Radiation Safety Training? Email or call (301) 496-2255. 
