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Office of Research Services

Serving the NIH Community


Membership & Organization

​​The NIH Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) consists of a minimum of seven individuals, which are selected​ by the Committee Chairman. Anyone interested in serving on the RSC may contact​​


The membership of the Committee includes a Deputy Chair and the following individuals:

  • Radiation Safety Officer ​
  • Representative of NIH management, who is neither an Authorized User (AU) nor the RSO
  • Physician who is authorized by the RSC for each type of clinical use of radioactive materials at NIH​
  • Person who is authorized by the RSC for the use of radioactive materials in laboratory research
  • Representative of the nursing service 

Membership includes representation of the various types of users of radioactive materials and radiation sources at NIH. Additional members have been added to the RSC, upon recommendation of its Chair to enable effective action by the Committee, such as the Chair of the RDRC; a health or medical physicist with training and experience in radiation dosimetry of radioactive materials administered to humans; a radiopharmacist; or physicians with expertise in diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. Individuals with these qualifications in the list of mandatory members may serve the RSC in these areas of expertise. 

Selection Process

The NIH Deputy Director for Intramural Research appoints the RSC Chair. 

The RSC Deputy Chair is selected by the RSC Chair and other members are selected by the RSC Chair or Deputy Chair. The Medical Board may be consulted to identify nominees for membership on the RSC to represent clinical care areas; the Board of Scientific Directors may be consulted to identify nominees for other positions. 

Term Limits

Member terms are effective until they resign their membership. The Chairperson’s appointment shall be effective until the Chairperson resigns or until another Chairperson is appointed by the Director, NIH. When members are replaced, new appointees shall be chosen to maintain the balance of members required under the RSC Charter.