2012 “In-Focus! Safe Workplaces for All” Photo Contest Winners Announced!
Three contest winners announced.
The Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) announced the winners of the second annual "In Focus! Safe Workplaces for All" photo contest.
The first place honors were given to Howard “Wes” Hickman, administrative staff at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), for his photograph of Towanda Carroll (Figure 1).
There was a tie for second place between Mr. Hickman and Dale Lewis, PhD, Staff Scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for two construction-related photographs (Figures 2 and 3, respectively).
Third place was awarded to Dr. Samarendra Singh, a visiting research fellow working under Dr. Martin Gilbert at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
On Thursday, February 14th, Dr. Deborah Wilson, Director of the DOHS, formally recognized the contest winners and expressed great gratitude for their outstanding contributions to promoting workplace safety throughout the NIH community. Winning photos appear on the monthly DOHS “Eye on Safety” Newsletter posted on AHEALTHYSAFENIH@LIST.NIH.GOV at and will be used in upcoming safety posters and pamphlets.
Congratulations to these photographers for their role in promoting a safe workplace for all at the NIH.
Figure 1. First Place: Photograph by Howard Hickman
Figure 2. Second Place (tie): Photograph by Howard Hickman
Figure 3. Second Place (tie): Photograph by Dr. Dale Lewis
Figure 4. Third Place: Photograph by Dr. Samarenda Singh

Figure 5. The 2012 “In-Focus! Safe Workplaces for All” Photo Contest Winners (Left to Right): Dr. Samarendra Singh, Dr. Dale Lewis and Mr. Howard “Wes” Hickman.