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Division of Events Management
NIH Events Management

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ORS breadcrumb EMB > Multimedia Services

Multimedia Services

Below is the Multimedia Work Order Request Form needed to generate a Work Order Number for your Event(s):

EMB Multimedia Services Request Form Instructions

        Multimedia Work Order Request  Form

Video Production Services



Planning/Consulting/Direct/Produce$140.00per hour
Dedicated Audio Visual Support$65.00per hour
Video Distribution (min. 2 hrs)$80.00per hour
Digitizing Video $125.00per hour
Video Editing$175.00per hour
Captioning Live $180.00 per hour
TranscriptionCost plus 10% 
Off-Air Coverage  (if ordered 24-hours prior to Broadcast$220.00per hour
Off-Air Coverage (previously aired) Cost plus 10% 
Satellite DownlinkCost plus 10%
Fiber AVOC ConnectCost plus 10% 
Satellite SpaceCost plus 10% 
Lighting Equipment & DirectorCost plus 10% surcharge 
NarrationCost plus 10% surcharge 
Studio Prompting (Staff)(1 hour min.)$110.00per hour
Script WritingCost plus 10% surcharge 

(Acting, Dancing, etc.)

Cost plus 10% surcharge


  Vehicle Charge - Off-Campus Equip Transport (Daily)    $125.00

Social Media Streaming (Facebook Live, YouTube)        $60.00

Prices listed as "Cost"  depend on the specific needs of the request.  Please call (301) 496-4700 or e-mail to discuss with a Staff Producer or if you have questions about additional prices, products, and services not listed above.

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Camera Shoots

Video Production Static Shot 
Static One Camera Shot (installed system) for using resource more than two hours
                                                                        $180.00 per event  (Pending)
One Camera HD - Field Production
Half Day (less than 2.5 hours videotaping)$800.00
Full Day (2.5 - 6 hours videotaping)$1485.00
1 hour (applies after 6 hours videotaping)$175.00
Direct/Produce Service$360.00
Two Camera HD - Field Production
Includes 2 Camera Operators & 1 Technical Director
Full Day (less tahn 6 hours videotaping)$3,960.00
1 hour (applies after 5 hours videotaping)$450.00
Direct/Produce Service$460.00
Custom Video Production
Based on Client RequirementsCost plus 10%
Multi HD Camera Integrated Package - 1 Operator
(Where Available)
Less than 1 hour$400.00
Half Day (less than 2.5 hours videotaping)$800.00
Full Day (less than 7 hours videotaping)$1,485.00
Hourly Increments apply after 7 hours$180.00
Direct/Produce Service$105 for lectures
All other productions vary on requirements
Multi HD Camera Integrated Package - 2 Operators
(Where Available)
Half Day (less than 2.5 hours videotaping)$1,595.00
Full Day (less than 7 hours videotaping)$2,805.00
Hourly Increments apply after 7 hours$360.00
Direct/Produce Service$105 for lectures
All other productions vary on requirements
Multi HD Camera Package - 1 Operator
Full Day (less than 6 hours videotaping)$1,485.00
Hourly Increments apply after 6 hours$175.00
Direct/Produce Service minimum$270.00

Off Air Coverage
60 minutes or less$220.00
Ordered 24-hours prior to Broadcast 
Off-Air Coverage (previously aired) Cost plus 10%
Satellite & Fiber Services
Fiber AVOC ConnectCost plus 10%
Satellite SpaceCost plus 10%

Prices listed as "Cost"  depend on the specific needs of the request.  Please call (301) 496-4700 or e-mail to discuss with a Staff Producer or if you have questions about additional prices, products, and services not listed above.

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Video Duplication Services

HD File Transfer$60.00
CD 1 - 4 Copies (each)$2.50

Please call (301) 496-4700 or e-mail for additional prices, products, and services not listed above.

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LCD Projector$140.00half day
$250.00full day
Laptop PC or Mac Rental$120.00per day
Studio Rental$450.00 half day
$900.00 full day

Please call (301) 496-4700 or e-mail for additional prices, products, and services not listed above.

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Video Tape Stock

DescriptionPrice per Item
XD CAM HD Disc 50 GB$15.00

Please call (301) 496-4700 or e-mail for additional prices, products, and services not listed above.

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Contracted Services

DescriptionPrice per Item
Satellite Feed (Non-Prime)Cost plus 10% surcharge
Satellite Feed (Prime)Cost plus 10% surcharge
Satellite Feed TrackingCost plus 10% surcharge
Talent (Acting, Dancing, etc)Cost plus 10% surcharge
Script WritingCost plus 10% surcharge
NarrationCost plus 10% surcharge
PromptingCost plus 10% surcharge
Lighting Equipment & DirectorCost plus 10% surcharge

Prices listed as "Cost"  depend on the specific needs of the request.  Please call (301) 496-4700 or e-mail to discuss with a Staff Producer or if you have questions about additional prices, products, and services not listed above.

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