Classes are free to everyone in two formats: virtuall (daily) and in-person (limited basis). Classes run five days a week for 30 minutes/class. Most classes are also recorded for up to 30 days. View details:
Training: A Supervisor's Guide to Workforce Well-being
This vital supervisor training returns on January 16 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM ET. Are you interested in supporting the wellbeing of your staff and yourself? Are you a supervisor, team lead or an Administrative Officer? Are you in need of Continuous Learning Points? If any of these call to you, register in the LMS and choose #NIHWRD1003 and Offering ID: #00280196.
Workshop: The Art of Intentional Communication
Join NIH Wellness and the NIH Ombuds Office on
Wednesday, January 22 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm ET for a workshop on active listening and conscious communication to benefit your work and personal well-being. This webinar will highlight and demonstrate the key aspects of being fully present, observant, and purposeful in our words and actions with others. Register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Check out financial wellness webinars available for free to all NIH staff during January from the NIH Federal Credit Union.
Toolkit: Holiday Resilience Guide
With the holidays meaning something different to everyone, the Employee Assistance Program’s Holiday Resilience Guide offers practical tips to help you navigate this season, no matter your traditions or challenges. Find strategies for managing stress, staying grounded, and making the most of the holidays in your own way.
Five Tips: Pause to Benefit Your Well-Being
We all know there is a need to take pause during the workday, and yet sometimes it seems hard to step away. If you’d like some new ideas, or you are not sure what to do for your well-being when you take a pause, this guide offers five tips to reset and nourish yourself.
NIH Clubs
Interested in joining fellow employees and guests in club activities on and off campus? Check out three new clubs forming now:
Interested in other NIH Clubs? Contact Sherrell Freeman with NIH R&W Program for details.