NIH Wellness ... "Taking Our Own Best Advice"
On September 7 and 8 the NIH Health and Wellness Council in partnership with the Office of Research Services, Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (ORS/DATS), and the NIH Recreation and Welfare Association (R&W) Fitness Program will be hosting the 2nd Annual NIH Health and Wellness Expo - Fall Fitness Festival.
This two day Expo will be held in Building 45 (Natcher Conference Center) from 10:00am to 4:00pm on Wednesday, September 7, and from 11:30am to 4:00pm on Thursday, September 8. The Expo will feature free exercise classes, fitness demonstrations, health screenings, speakers, healthy product vendors, and health information booths.
All activities are open and free to all of NIH.
NIH Wellness Panel Discussion - Main Auditorium
Wednesday, September 7 (10:00am - 11:30am)
Come and hear our expert panel discuss the importance of nutrition and exercise in weight management. The panel is compiled of 3 individuals from the NIH that have backgrounds ranging from nutrition to the WE CAN Program. There will also be an expert from the Weight Watchers Program.
Panel Discussion 
Speakers & Biographies
Van S. Hubbard, M.D., Ph.D. is Director, NIH Division of Nutrition Research Coordination and Associate Director for Nutritional Sciences, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health. He is responsible for development of research initiatives and management of research programs related to the nutritional sciences and obesity. He currently is chair of the NIH Nutrition Coordinating Committee and serves as the NIH representative on numerous federal and non-federal committees and work groups including various Healthy People 2010 work groups.
Janet M. de Jesus, M.S., R.D. is a nutritionist at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. In this role, Ms. de Jesus works in education and clinical guideline development for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. She leads the Adult CVD Risk Reduction Guidelines Lifestyle Work Group and is program leader of the NHLBI Integrated Pediatric Guideline for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction Implementation Initiative. Ms. de Jesus supports education efforts in the We Can! � (Ways to Enhance Children�s Activity and Nutrition) program for the prevention of overweight and obesity in children and youth.
Amber Courville, PhD, R.D. serves as the metabolic clinical research dietitian for the Metabolic Clinical Research Unit at the NIH Clinical Center. Her background in nutrition and exercise physiology has enabled her to assist many people with achieving their weight loss goals and living a healthier lifestyle. She currently works on research projects examining the impact of diet and lifestyle on obesity prevention and treatment.
Karen Miller-Kovach, M.S., R.D. is Chief Scientific Officer for Weight Watchers International (1993-present). She is responsible for the technical integrity of the Weight Watchers program on a worldwide basis. In addition, Karen coordinates all clinical research initiatives sponsored by Weight Watchers International She also serves as a corporate spokesperson on scientific matters.

Fitness Assessments: Thursday, September 8 (11:30am - 4:00pm)
Fitness Assessments - (Approx. 20 minutes)
Registration will be required in advance for this health screening
Fitness Assessments will be conducted by the NIH R&W Fitness program and consist of the following:
- Push-ups
- Partial Curl-ups
- 3-Minute Step Test
- Sit & Reach
Please plan your schedule accordingly.
- Wear exercise clothing and shoes for the test.
- No food for two hours before testing.
- No caffeinated beverages.
- No alcohol for 24 hours before testing
- No smoking for two hours before testing
You will be contacted by one of the fitness center staff after the Expo to set up an appointment to find out your results. Your blood pressure, body fat percentage and body mass index will also be determined at this appointment.
Fitness Assessment - Registration
"Health Screenings: Thursday, September 8 (11:30am - 4:00pm)
Blood Pressure - Lower Level (Approx. 8 minutes)
No registration will be required for this health screening
Provided by Suburban Hospital Community Health & Wellness Department and the Division of Occupational Health and Safety, Occupational Medical Service (DOHS/OMS). The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked. Your doctor or another qualified health professional should check it at least once every two years and more often if it's high.
Bone Density/Osteoporosis - Conference Rooms F1/F2 (Approx. 8 minutes)
Registration will be required in advance for this health screening
Provided by Suburban Hospital Community Health & Wellness Department, a quick and easy heel test to measure the bone mass density to estimate your risk of developing osteoporosis.
Bone Density/Osteoporosis - Registration Cholesterol - Conference Rooms F1/F2 (Approx. 10 minutes)
Registration will be required in advance for this health screening
Provided by Suburban Hospital Community Health & Wellness Department, a simple finger-stick method for total cholesterol & HDL cholesterol. No fasting required.
Cholesterol - Registration Glaucoma Screening - Conference Rooms F1/F2 (Approx. 8 minutes)
Registration will be required in advance for this health screening
Provided by the Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington. A visual field test to evaluate peripheral vision in each eye since glaucoma affects an individual's side vision first, and often the individual does not realize the loss. The "puff" test which measures eye pressure will not be performed. Individuals can take the screening with glasses and/or contact lenses.
Glaucoma Screening - Registration Mental Health Screenings - Conference Rooms B & C2 (10:30am - 3:00pm)
No appointment necessary - first come first served
For screening related to mood- and/or anxiety-disorder symptoms, visit the NIMH booth (Room C1), where employees may view a short video with other attendees; complete an anonymous questionnaire; privately meet with a clinician to discuss results or related concerns; and/or gather information about additional resources.
Seated Massages - Lower Level (12:30pm - 2:00pm)
No appointment necessary - first come first served
Seated massage focuses primarily on the muscles used most during the work day including those of the head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands. Seated massages will be provided by Terrel Hale from Georgetown Sports Massage.

Wednesday, September 7
(11:30am - 4:00pm) Thursday, September 8
(11:30am - 4:00pm)
Advanced Boot Camp/All Levels
Conference Rooms E1-E2 (11:30am - 12:20pm)
Instructor: Robert Geter
Burn calories with this challenging yet fun class featuring a little of everything.
Wellness through Golf
Conference Room F (11:30am - 12:20 pm)
Instructor: Kate Stepanek
Learn the basics of golf in a fun, non-competitive environment.
Hatha Yoga
Conference Rooms C1-C2 (11:30am - 12:20pm)
Instructor: Margarita Reyes
Gentle yoga appropriate for all levels
Vinyasa Yoga
Conference Room E1 (11:30am - 12:20pm)
Instructor: Adam Pearlstein
This class focuses on the fundamentals of the Vinyasa style that emphasizes constant yoga movement building up to a peak pose. All fitness levels welcomed.
Hatha Yoga
Conference Rooms C1-C2 (12:30pm - 1:20pm)
Instructor: Judith Lyons (12:30pm)
Gentle yoga appropriate for all levels
African Dance Workout
Conference Rooms G1-G2 (12:30pm - 1:20pm)
Instructor: Kukuwa
Low impact/high energy workout designed to target your cardiovascular system, improve your fitness level and pump fun through your veins.
Conference Rooms E1-E2 (12:30pm - 1:20pm)
Instructor: Terry Bowers
Build and tone muscle faster using Isometrics. Experience the power that lies within you in this introductory class. Elite athletes will discover new ways to challenge themselves and those with limited or no experience will benefit from this low/no impact form of exercise.
Vinyasa Yoga
Conference Room E1 (12:30pm - 1:20pm)
Instructor: Adam Pearlstein
This class focuses on the fundamentals of the Vinyasa style that emphasizes constant yoga movement building up to a peak pose. All fitness levels welcomed.
Body Back Beginner�s Training
Conference Rooms E1-E2 (1:30pm - 2:20pm)
Instructor: Robert Geter
New to exercise? Never taken a group fitness class before? This class if for YOU! Forget the adage �no pain, no gain.� Have fun, burn calories and move your body with a mix of low-impact, moderate intensity movement.
Intro to Cross Fit
Conference Rooms E1-E2 (1:30pm - 2:20pm)
Instructor: Graham King
Constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements adaptable for all fitness levels.
Urban Line Dancing
Conference Rooms C1-C2 (1:30pm - 2:20 pm)
Instructor: Terry Bowers
Shake to the Cupid Shuffle, Casper Slide, and Homey Twist.
Break Flow
Conference Room A (1:30pm - 2:20pm)
Instructor: Ari Kassman
An innovative combination of power Vinyasa yoga, break dancing moves and poses.
Conference Room E1-E2 (2:30pm - 3:20pm)
Instructor: Donna Gangloff
Learn to utilize and strengthen your powerhouse- the deep abdominal muscles, obliques and lower back through traditional Pilates movements.
Intro to Cross Fit
Conference Rooms E1-E2 (2:30pm - 3:20pm)
Instructor: Graham King
Constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements adaptable for all fitness levels.
Cardio Kickboxing
Conference Room F (2:30pm - 3:20pm)
Instructor: JaWanna Henry
Breaking down the kickboxing jabs, punches and kicks in an easy to follow format
Vinyasa Yoga
Conference Room E1 (2:30pm - 3:20pm)
Instructor: Freddy Margolis
This class focuses on the fundamentals of the Vinyasa style that emphasizes constant yoga movement building up to a peak pose. All fitness levels welcomed.
Zumba� Dance Party
Conference Rooms E1-E2 (3:30pm - 4:20 pm)
Instructor: Vicky Levicy
An NIH favorite! A fun fast paced dance class that creates a dynamic fusion of Latin with a combination of fast and slow rhythms to tone the entire body. All fitness levels welcomed.
Break Flow
Conference Room A (3:30pm - 4:20pm)
Instructor: Ari Kassman
An innovative combination of power Vinyasa yoga, break dancing moves and poses.
Body Transformers II
Conference Room F (3:30pm - 4:20pm)
Instructor: JaWanna Henry
Breaking down the kickboxing jabs, punches and kicks in an easy to follow format
Vinyasa Yoga
Conference Room E1 (3:30pm - 4:20pm)
Instructor: Freddy Margolis
This class focuses on the fundamentals of the Vinyasa style that emphasizes constant yoga movement building up to a peak pose. All fitness levels welcomed.
R&W Club Demonstrations: Thursday, September 8 (11:45am - 1:45pm)
Young at Heart Tap Dancers - Main Auditorium (11:45pm - 12:00pm)
This group performs throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area at nursing homes, community centers, senior centers, street festivals, civic, and social service organizations.
Saundra Brown-Asante, Mary Dellatorre, Hazel Elbert, Bonnie Leibel, Emily Mayo Johnson, and Sara Schneeberg Robinson will perform: My Kind of Town, Singin' in the Rain, Carolina and Johnnie B. Good.
Aikido Club - Main Auditorium (12:15pm - 12:30pm)
Aikido, also called the Art of Peace, strives to unify the mind and body using traditional practice weapons as well as empty hand techniques. Aikido principles are applicable to many aspects of daily life.
Kenjutsu Club - Main Auditorium (12:45pm - 1:00pm)
Training is offered in the classical Japanese warrior martial arts traditions of Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo, Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho and Jiki Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu/Heiho. These ancient schools train primarily with the staff and sword. (Practice equipment is either wood or bamboo).
Taekwondo School - Main Auditorium (1:30pm - 1:45pm)
This school has its primary heritage in both Kuk Kiwon and Chung Do Kwon Taekwondo from Korean Martial Arts. It incorporates a breath of defensive arts training from Korean, Japanese and other defensive arts traditions.
This event is sponsored and supported by the following NIH Institutes and program areas:
- National Cancer Institute
- National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities
- National Eye Institute
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- National Institute of Digestive and Diabetes and Kidney Diseases
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Institute on Aging
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders
- National Library of Medicine
- NIH Blood Bank, CC
- NIH Office of Research on Women's Health
- NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
- NIH Office of Human Resources
- Division of Nutrition Research Coordination, NIDDK
- Division of Occupational Health and Safety, ORS
- Employee Assistance Program, DOHS
- Eurest Dining Services
- LifeWork Strategies
- NIH Federal Credit Union