How to Request Service
New Users: Click on the uSked Portal button and follow prompts to create a user account. For technical support or request a login ID, email,
Exiting Users: Login to the uSked Portal to request a service, check the status, edit, or cancel a service request.
Clinical Center Staff: Use the
uSked Portal (not in CRIS) to request services for patients and their families during normal business hours.
Patients receive
priority scheduling 24/7. For
URGENT requests or services after hours, weekends, and holidays, email or call 571-730-4330.
NOTE: Spoken language interpreters for patients and their families with limited English proficiency are
not provided under this contract. Contact the CC
Social Work Department
at 301-496-2792.
Tips for Planning Events
When entering a request on behalf of someone else (including a patient), enter the
name of the person requiring services, short description of event and
media link to connect to event. Also include agenda, slides and any other information beneficial to our service providers.
Technical issues and questions should be emailed to the scheduling office at
Request services
3-5 days in advance, when possible, to ensure availability
Cancel services
within 2 days of event, when possible, to avoid billable charges to NIH
NIH Policy 2206, remember to
include in announcements the following language:
Sign language interpreting services are available upon request. Individuals who need interpreting services and/or other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact NAMEXXX, PHONEXXXX or the Federal Relay Service @ 800-877-8339. Requests should be made five days in advance of the event.
Consumer Guide - May 2018.pdf
FAQs _May 2018.pdf
Community Resources
Disability Etiquette:
What We Say, How We Say It Matters
NIH Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
Deaf in Government (DIG)
Deaf News /Stories Worth Sharing
Deaf-Owned Pizzeria in DC
First Deaf-Owned East Coast Brewery
Starbucks Opens First “Signing Store” for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in DC!
#IAmHHS: David Rice’s (NIH) Story of Service, Dedication & Discovery - Deaf News