Date: 12/5/2017 Author: Lynn Young Division of Library Services Piezo2 is a mechanically activated ion channel required for touch discrimination, vibration detection, and proprioception. Here, we discovered that Piezo2 is extensively spliced, producing different Piezo2 isoforms with distinct properties. Together, our results describe, at the molecular level, a potential mechanism by which transduction is tuned, permitting the detection of a variety of mechanosensory stimuli. Date: 6/6/2017 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources T cells undergo metabolic reprogramming with major changes in cellular energy metabolism during activation. In summary, the findings presented herein emphasize the role of COX particularly in T cells as a metabolic checkpoint for cell fate decisions following T cell activation, with heterogeneous effects in T cell subsets. In addition, these studies highlight the utility of translational models that recapitulate human mitochondrial disease for understanding immunometabolism. Date: 2/1/2016 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources Several forms of regulated exocytosis in a mouse model of MLIV were analyzed and, opposite to expectations, found to have enhanced exocytosis in secretory glands due to enlargement of secretory granules in part due to fusion with lysosomes. Date: 5/2/2016 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources Laminins are heterotrimeric complexes, consisting of α, β and γ subunits that form a major component of basement membranes and extracellular matrix. Laminin complexes have different, but often overlapping, distributions and functions. This paper broadens the phenotypes associated with LAMA1 mutations. We demonstrate that LAMA1 deficiency can lead to alteration in cytoskeletal dynamics, which may invariably lead to alteration in dendrite growth and axonal formation. Estimation of disease prevalence based on population studies in LAMA1 reveals a prevalence of 1-20 in 1 000 000. Date: 7/2/2015 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources Ablepharon macrostomia syndrome (AMS) and Barber-Say syndrome (BSS) are rare congenital ectodermal dysplasias characterized by similar clinical features. To establish the genetic basis of AMS and BSS, extensive clinical phenotyping, whole exome and candidate gene sequencing, and functional validations were performed. Results suggest that autosomal-dominant TWIST2 mutations cause AMS or BSS by inducing protean effects on the transcription factor’s DNA binding. Date: 9/9/2015 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources Bone sialoprotein (BSP) is a multifunctional extracellular matrix protein found in mineralized tissues, including bone, cartilage, tooth root cementum (both acellular and cellular types), and dentin. These analyses confirm a critical role for BSP in processes of cementogenesis and intramembranous ossification of craniofacial bone, whereas endochondral ossification in the cranial base was minimally affected and dentinogenesis was normal in Bsp(-/-) molar teeth. Date: 9/1/2015 Author: Casey Skvorc, PhD, JD Division of Occupational Health and Safety Until recently, academic institutions and Principal Investigators (PIs) maintained a de-facto immunity from criminal prosecution for worker injuries and deaths attributed to unsafe laboratory practices. This status quo changed in 2011 when a state prosecutor filed felony charges for statutory and regulatory safety violations against the Regents of a state university system and a tenured professor. This article presents sentinel factors associated with the prosecution and settlement of the prosecution, with a discussion of resulting implications for academic institutions/institutes and PIs. Date: 5/16/2019 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources During infection, hepatocytes must undergo a reprioritization of metabolism, termed metabolic reprogramming. Hepatic metabolic reprogramming in response to infection begins within hours of infection, suggesting a mechanism closely linked to pathogen recognition.
This work not only addresses a key component of end-organ physiology, but also raises questions about the side effects of biologics in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Date: 7/15/2017 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources Mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV) is a lysosomal storage disease characterized by neurologic and ophthalmologic abnormalities. There is currently no effective treatment. MLIV is caused by mutations in MCOLN1, a lysosomal cation channel from the transient receptor potential (TRP) family. In this study, we used genome editing to knockout the two mcoln1 genes present in Danio rerio (zebrafish). Our model successfully reproduced the retinal and neuromuscular defects observed in MLIV patients, indicating that this model is suitable for studying the disease pathogenesis. Date: 5/29/2015 Author: Patricia Zerfas Division of Veterinary Resources By using an immunomodulation strategy to deplete Kupffer cells, the expression of multiple genes involved in β-oxidation were improved. These findings suggest that the role of the liver as an immunologic organ is central in the pathophysiology of hepatic metabolic decompensation in inborn errors of metabolism due to respiratory viral infection. Date: 11/1/2015 Author: CC, Dr. Steven Solomon Medical Arts Branch In canine models, transfused older stored red blood cells (RBCs) hemolyze in vivo resulting in significantly increased intravascular cell-free hemoglobin (CFH) and non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI). During canine bacterial pneumonia with septic shock, but not in controls, older stored RBCs were associated with significantly increased lung injury and mortality. It is unknown if in shock without infection transfusion of older RBCs will result in similar adverse effects. Preclinical data suggest that whereas iron derived from older RBCs promotes bacterial growth, worsening septic shock mortality during infection, release of CFH and NTBI during hemorrhagic shock is not necessarily harmful. Date: 7/18/2017 Author: NEI, Dr. Anthony St Leger Medical Arts Branch Mucosal sites such as the intestine, oral cavity, nasopharynx, and vagina all have associated commensal flora. The surface of the eye is also a mucosal site, but proof of a living, resident ocular microbiome remains elusive. Here, a mouse model of ocular surface disease was used to reveal that commensals were present in the ocular mucosa and had functional immunological consequences. These findings provide direct evidence that a resident commensal microbiome exists on the ocular surface and identify the cellular mechanisms underlying its effects on ocular immune homeostasis and host defense. Date: 3/11/2021 Author: Xizhong Cui, Junfeng Sun, Samuel J. Minkove, Yan Li, Diane Cooper, Zoe Couse, Peter Q. Eichacker, Parizad Torabi‐Parizi Division of Library Services Chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have been used as antiviral agents for the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV2) infection. We performed a systematic review to examine whether prior clinical studies that compared the effects of CQ and HCQ to a control for the treatment of non‐SARS‐CoV2 infection supported the use of these agents in the present SARS‐CoV2 outbreak. Date: 5/20/2020 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This study characterizes rheumatological manifestations of GATA2 deficiency. GATA2 deficiency is associated with a broad spectrum of rheumatological disease manifestations. Low total helper T lymphocyte proportions and low naïve helper T cell proportions are associated with those most at risk of overt rheumatological manifestations. Further, PPP and joint hyperextensibility may explain some of the nonimmunologically-mediated joint problems encountered in patients with GATA2 deficiency. This catalogue suggests that rheumatological manifestations and immune dysregulation are relatively common in GATA2 deficiency. Date: 6/11/2020 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This review was conducted to determine what is known from the literature about the effect of EV crosstalk on pancreatic β-cell function and viability in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, to perform a gap analysis for future research directions, and to discuss implications of available evidence for diabetes care. Date: 4/8/2021 Author: Li Jia Division of Library Services Adoptive T cell therapy (ACT) using ex vivo–expanded autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) can mediate complete regression of certain human cancers. The impact of TIL phenotypes on clinical success of TIL-ACT is currently unclear. Using high-dimensional analysis of human ACT products, we identified a memory-progenitor CD39-negative stem-like phenotype (CD39−CD69−) associated with complete cancer regression and TIL persistence and a terminally differentiated CD39-positive state (CD39+CD69+) associated with poor TIL persistence. Date: 4/1/2021 Author: Candace Norton, Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Bibliometric analyses are commonly used to measure the productivity of researchers or institutions but rarely used to assess the scientific contribution of national surveys/datasets. We applied bibliometric methods to quantify the contributions of the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN) to the body of pediatric health-related research. We also examined dissemination to nonresearch audiences by analyzing media coverage of statistics and research produced from the surveys. Date: 4/11/2023 Author: Mengbi Yang, Amy Q. Wang, Elias C. Padilha, Pranav Shah, Natalie R. Hagen, China Ryu, Khalida Shamim, Wenwei Huang and Xin Xu Division of Veterinary Resources Niclosamide (Nc) is an FDA-approved anthelmintic drug that was recently identified in a drug repurposing screening to possess antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. However, due to the low solubility and permeability of Nc, its in vivo efficacy was limited by its poor oral absorption. This study concludes that the novel prodrug PDN can be efficiently converted to Nc in vivo and improves the systemic exposure of Nc in mice after oral administration. The developed PBPK model adequately depicts the mouse and hamster pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution profiles and highlights its potential application in the prediction of human pharmacokinetic profiles. Date: 1/26/2023 Author: William H. Herman ORCID logo ; Dean Schillinger; Shari Bolen; John M. Boltri; Ann Bullock; William Chong; Paul R. Conlin ORCID logo ; J. William Cook, IV; Ayotunde Dokun ORCID logo ; Naomi Fukagawa; Jasmine Gonzalvo ORCID logo ; M. Carol Greenlee; Division of Library Services The National Clinical Care Commission (NCCC) was established by Congress to make recommendations to leverage federal policies and programs to more effectively prevent and treat diabetes and its complications. The NCCC developed a guiding framework that incorporated elements of the Socioecological and Chronic Care Models. It surveyed federal agencies and conducted follow-up meetings with representatives from 10 health-related and 11 non–health-related federal agencies. Date: 1/5/2023 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Research has demonstrated that solid tumor patients experience high levels of psychological distress at the time of diagnosis. While distress has been associated with many adverse clinical outcomes, little is known about how this symptom may influence the disease trajectory for cancer patients, affecting outcomes such as progression, recurrence, and survival. The purpose of this systematic review was to explore the literature linking distress with survival in solid tumor patients, which may guide future work exploring clinical outcomes as a function of distress. Date: 1/13/2023 Author: Brigit Sullivan Division of Library Services Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare inborn error of immunity, resulting from a defect in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidation and decreased production of phagocyte reactive oxygen species. The main clinical manifestations are recurrent infections and chronic inflammatory disorders. Current approaches to management include antimicrobial prophylaxis and control of inflammatory complications. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or gene therapy can provide definitive treatment. Date: 1/19/2023 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services The uncommon MN1-altered primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors were recently added to the World Health Organization 2021 classification under the name Astroblastoma, MN1-altered. Another term used to describe them, “High-grade neuroepithelial tumor with MN1 alteration” (HGNET-MN1), makes reference to their distinct epigenetic profile but is currently not a recommended name. In this report, we present the demographics, tumor characteristics, treatment, and outcome (including patient-reported outcomes) of three adults with MN1-altered primary CNS tumors diagnosed via genome-wide DNA methylation and RNA sequencing. Date: 3/2/2023 Author: Gisela Butera Division of Occupational Health and Safety In this systematic review, we examined case reports of patients who use kratom and evaluated their rigor based on reporting of clinically relevant information. We found considerable variation in reported information and in the thoroughness of the case reports. Reports tended to be inadequate in full assessment of the patient’s kratom use. As kratom use continues to increase in the USA, consistent and detailed reporting, usage of biospecimen testing and kratom product assays, consultation of experts to aid with patient workup, usage of causality assessment tools, and acknowledgement of limitations will improve the quality of case reports. Date: 3/8/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This purpose of this study is to systematically review and perform a meta-analysis of radiation associated risks of cardiovascular disease in all groups exposed to radiation with individual radiation dose estimates. Results provide evidence supporting a causal association between radiation exposure and cardiovascular disease at high dose, and to a lesser extent at low dose, with some indications of differences in risk between acute and chronic exposures, which require further investigation. The observed heterogeneity complicates a causal interpretation of these findings, although this heterogeneity is much reduced if only higher quality studies or those at moderate doses or low dose rates are considered. Studies are needed to assess in more detail modifications of radiation effect by lifestyle and medical risk factors. Date: 2/7/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Caregiving has been robustly linked to caregiver health through the dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis in the context of caregiving for an adult with a chronic illness. However, little research examines the physiological impact of caregiving for a child with a chronic illness despite high burden and unique stressors. In this review, we explore the links of caregiving for a child with a congenital, chromosomal, or genetic disorder to the regulation or dysregulation of the HPA axis. A search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, and the Web of Science and 15 studies met inclusion criteria. Date: 4/5/2023 Author: Gisela Butera Division of Library Services This systematic review examines case reports of kratom physical dependence or addiction, focusing on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment methods and the completeness of the clinical data presented. Findings suggest that case reports involving kratom should include established standardized assessments of history and symptomatology, incorporating laboratory testing where possible. Development of best practices for treatment of kratom-associated dependence or addiction is warranted. Date: 4/24/2023 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Two reviewers (S.M and P.Q.E) independently assessed included studies for quality of evidence using a modified version of the Systemic Review Centre for Laboratory Animal Experimentation (SYRCLE) grading system [26, 27]. Studies were examined to determine if the following information was provided: a primary outcome; sample size or power calculation; randomization of challenges; confirmation of baseline similarity of study groups (e.g., age, weight); blinding of challenges and outcome assessments; and randomized animal housing. Date: 5/4/2023 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Collectively, the reports included in this review suggest that inflammatory pathways related to the proliferation of immune cells at the time of diagnosis and treatment are associated with frailty development and symptomology. Limited reports (one each) also implicate telomere shortening and epigenetic alterations such as perturbations in aging miRNAs as potential correlates of deficit accumulation frailty. Additionally, metabolic pathways underlying deficit accumulation frailty may be of potential value when identifying target biomarkers. Date: 6/3/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services The COVID-19 related mitigation measures adversely affected various cancer control activities in Africa, with cancer prevention and screening activities amongst the most significantly impacted. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Africa Cancer Research and Control ECHO utilised their virtual platform to share experiences and knowledge of how to continue cancer service delivery during the pandemic. This analysis describes the evolved strategies, dilemmas, and recommendations to strengthen the health systems for cancer control in Africa. Date: 9/1/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services An increasing number of cancer epidemiology studies use metabolomics assays. This scoping review characterizes trends in the literature in terms of study design, population characteristics, and metabolomics approaches and identifies opportunities for future growth and improvement, including needs for standardized race and ethnicity reporting, more diverse study populations, and larger studies. Date: 8/2/2023 Author: Amanda L. Vogel; Brittany M. Haynes; Shadab F. Hussain; Lameese D. Akacem; Marcus G. Hodges; Gisela Butera; Jessica M. Faupel-Badger Division of Library Services Translational science education and training (E&T) aims to prepare the translational workforce to accelerate progress along the translational pipeline toward solutions that improve human health. In 2020–2021, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Education Branch conducted a scoping review of the E&T literature with this focus. This review highlights strengths and opportunities for growth in translational science E&T. Enhancements to content, expansion of participants and modalities, and rigorous evaluations will contribute to building a highly qualified, diverse translational science workforce.  Date: 9/14/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services The burden of cancer and access to effective treatment are not experienced equally by all in the United States. For underserved populations that often access the health-care system when their cancers are in advanced disease stages, radiation oncology services are essential. In 2001, the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Radiation Research Program created and implemented the Cancer Disparities Research Partnership Program (CDRP). CDRP was a pioneering funding model whose goal was to increase participation of medically underserved populations in NCI clinical trials. Six CDRP awards were made over two 5-year funding periods ending in 2013, with the end-of-program accomplishments previously reported. With the current focus on addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion, the 6 principal investigators were surveyed, 5 of whom responded about the impact of CDRP on their institutions, communities, and personal career paths. This article provides a 20-year retrospective of the experiences and observations from those principal investigators that can inform those now planning, building, and implementing equity, diversity, and inclusion programs. Date: 3/25/2023 Author: Esteban Astiazaran-Symonds; Gina M. Ney; Cecilia Higgs; Leatrisse Oba; Radhika Srivastava; Alicia A. Livinski; Philip S. Rosenberg & Douglas R. Stewart Division of Library Services Costello syndrome (CS) is a cancer-predisposition disorder caused by germline pathogenic variants in HRAS. We conducted a systematic review using case reports and case series to characterise cancer risk in CS. Date: 1/1/2024 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia are some of the first targets for potentially curative cell-based therapies. Currently, bone marrow transplants, stem cell transplants, and gene therapy are being researched and utilized for people living with these hemoglobinopathies. Although these therapies are often described as curative, there is not a clear definition of what cure means for these hemoglobinopathies. Date: 11/8/2023 Author: Jennifer M P Woo, Jennifer L Ish, Kemi Ogunsina, Che-Jung Chang, Camryn M Cohen, Amrita L Ramanathan, et al Division of Library Services Structural racism could contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in cancer mortality via its broad effects on housing, economic opportunities, and health care. However, there has been limited focus on incorporating structural racism into simulation models designed to identify practice and policy strategies to support health equity. We reviewed studies evaluating structural racism and cancer mortality disparities to highlight opportunities, challenges, and future directions to capture this broad concept in simulation modeling research. Date: 11/15/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This scoping review, part of a National Institutes of Health (NIH) project and the focus for a 2022 NIH-sponsored workshop on Global Health Reciprocal Innovation, sought to identify publications describing health innovations that were researched, developed and implemented in LMICs and adapted to address similar health challenges in HICs. Our results highlighted the underexplored field of LMIC to HIC innovation transfer and exchange and lay the foundation for future research studies. Date: 12/11/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Racially and ethnically minoritized (REM) women experience social and structural factors that may affect their response to mental health treatment and menopausal symptoms during the menopause transition (MT). This scoping review on mental health during the MT for REM women in the United States was conducted to characterize factors associated with mental health challenges. Date: 12/12/2023 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This scoping review aims to assess and outline the current literature on the pandemic’s effects on Hispanic/Latino/a immigrant mental health in the USA, identify research gaps and areas of urgent concern, and inform future research and public health interventions and guidelines. Date: 4/3/2024 Author: Gisela Butera Division of Library Services Mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR) and microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) occur in a subset of cancers and have been shown to confer sensitivity to immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI); however, there is a lack of prospective data in urothelial carcinoma (UC). We performed a systematic review to estimate the prevalence of dMMR and MSI-H in UC, including survival and clinical outcomes. Date: 5/29/2024 Author: Gisela Butera Division of Library Services We reviewed existing personalized, web-based, interactive decision-making tools available to guide breast cancer treatment and survivorship care decisions in clinical settings. Date: 1/22/2018 Author: Lisa M. Federer; Douglas J. Joubert Division of Library Services This article provides a basic introduction to Tableau’s uses and discusses the NIH Library’s experience with providing support for Tableau. Four case studies demonstrate the range of services that the Library offers, as well as providing examples of the many different applications for Tableau. The article also provides resources for learning Tableau and insights on developing a successful data visualization support service. Date: 3/16/2018 Author: Nathan Hosburgh Division of Library Services Over the last couple decades, the field of bioinformatics has helped spur medical discoveries that offer a better understanding of the genetic basis of disease, which in turn improve public health and save lives. Concomitantly, support requirements for molecular biology researchers have grown in scope and complexity, incorporating specialized resources, technologies, and techniques. To address this specific need among National Institutes of Health (NIH) intramural researchers, the NIH Library hired an expert bioinformatics trainer and consultant with a PhD in biochemistry to implement a bioinformatics support program. This study traces the program from its inception in 2009 to its present form. Discussion involves the particular skills of program staff, development of content, collection of resources, associated technology, assessment, and the impact of the program on the NIH community. Date: 7/1/2018 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Over the past 20 years, Peru has experienced tremendous growth in biomedical research, evidenced by the number of publications cited in the medical literature. From an in-depth analysis of these publications, we have gained insight into policies and practices that might encourage other countries to reconsider their own investments in research. For the period 1997–2016, we selected all publications from the Web of Science Core Collection Database with at least one Peruvian author or institution, and examined the funding agencies, coauthorship linkages, research topics, and networks of training. Date: 3/1/2019 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Drawing upon the Federal Experts Security Advisory Panel's (FESAP's) 2014 recommendation to “strengthen a culture that emphasizes biosafety, laboratory biosecurity, and responsible conduct in the life sciences,” we undertook a comprehensive literature review of the culture of biosafety, biosecurity, and responsible conduct in the life sciences, including metrics by which to evaluate interventions at the organizational level. Date: 6/17/2019 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services A national need is to prepare for and respond to accidental or intentional disasters categorized as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE). These incidents require specific subject-matter expertise, yet have commonalities. We identify 7 core elements comprising CBRNE science that require integration for effective preparedness planning and public health and medical response and recovery. Date: 6/19/2019 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services The Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Disaster Medicine Interest Group, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response – Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (ASPR TRACIE) team, and the National Institutes of Health Library searched disaster medicine peer-reviewed and gray literature to identify, review, and disseminate the most important new research in this field for academics and practitioners. Date: 7/15/2019 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services In Peru, the past three decades have witnessed impressive growth in biomedical research catalyzed from a single research university and its investigators who secured international partnerships and funding. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of publications by Peruvian authors to understand the roots of this growth and the spread of research networks within the country.  Date: 1/15/2020 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is a multiple congenital malformations syndrome caused by defective cholesterol biosynthesis. Affected individuals show cholesterol deficiency and accumulation of various precursor molecules, mainly 7‐dehydrocholesterol and 8‐dehydrocholesterol. There is currently no cure for SLOS, with cholesterol supplementation being primarily a biochemical therapy of limited evidence. However, several anecdotal reports and preclinical studies have highlighted statins as a potential therapy for SLOS. This review evaluates the effects of statins, either alone or in combination with other non‐statin therapies (e.g. cholesterol, bile acid, or vitamin co‐supplementation), compared to cholesterol supplementation alone or in combination with other non‐statin therapies (e.g. bile acid or vitamin supplementation) on several important outcomes including overall survival, neurobehavioral features, and adverse effects in individuals with SLOS. Date: 2/8/2020 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This scoping review provides an overview of the published literature on cancer research conducted in Kenya. It highlights cancer research gaps, specifically the need for rigorous, well-conducted population-based studies, longitudinal studies, and randomized controlled trials. Date: 8/10/2020 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Bibliometric analyses are commonly used to measure the productivity of researchers or institutions but rarely used to assess the scientific contribution of national surveys/datasets. We applied bibliometric methods to quantify the contributions of the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN) to the body of pediatric health-related research. We also examined dissemination to nonresearch audiences by analyzing media coverage of statistics and research produced from the surveys. Date: 2/22/2021 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services The current review provides an integrated summary of the recent neuroimaging studies that have applied cue-reactivity paradigms and neuromodulation strategies to explore underlying alterations in neural circuitry as well in treatment strategies in AUD and obesity. We discuss literature on mechanisms associated with increased alcohol sensitivity post-bariatric surgery (BS) which offers guidance for future research to use sensory percepts in elucidating the relation of reward signaling in AUD development post-BS. Date: 5/24/2021 Author: Paul Juneau Division of Library Services Fatigue is a persistent and debilitating symptom following radiation therapy for prostate cancer. However, it is not well-understood how radiation targeted to a small region of the body can lead to broad changes in behavior. In this study, we used targeted pelvic irradiation of healthy male mice to test whether inflammatory signaling mediates changes in voluntary physical activity levels. Overall, our results suggest that inflammation plays a causal role in radiation-induced fatigue and that IL-6 may be an important mediator. Date: 6/17/2021 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Interest in implementing palliative care for adults living with progressive central nervous system diseases (PCNSD) and their caregivers is increasing. We aim to inform evidence-based practice and future research by critically evaluating randomized clinical trials (RCTs) investigating palliative care interventions (PCIs) for adults living with PCNSD and their caregivers using self-reported outcomes and the patient- and caregiver-reported outcome measures employed. Date: 8/4/2021 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services The Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) regulates B cell and macrophage signaling, development, survival, and activation. Inhibiting BTK has been hypothesized to ameliorate lung injury in patients with severe COVID-19, however clinical outcome data is inconclusive. To evaluate the clinical outcomes of BTK inhibitors (BTKinibs) in patients with COVID-19. Date: 8/26/2021 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Secondary findings (SFs) are present in 1–4% of individuals undergoing genome/exome sequencing. A review of how SFs are disclosed and what outcomes result from their receipt is urgent and timely. We conducted a systematic literature review of SF disclosure practices and outcomes after receipt including cascade testing, family and provider communication, and health-care actions. Of the 1,184 nonduplicate records screened we summarize findings from 27 included research articles describing SF disclosure practices, outcomes after receipt, or both. Date: 9/11/2021 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Teledentistry is used in many countries to provide oral health care services. However, using teledentistry to provide oral health care services for older adults is not well documented. This knowledge gap needs to be addressed, especially when accessing a dental clinic is not possible and teledentistry might be the only way for many older adults to receive oral health care services. Date: 12/1/2021 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Cognitive reserve (CR) has been proposed to account for functional outcome differences in brain pathology and its clinical manifestations. The purpose of our paper is to systematically review the effects of CR on cognitive outcomes in individuals with neurodegenerative and structural CNS diseases. Date: 12/14/2021 Author: Nancy L. Terry Division of Library Services Although hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) loss is considered the ideal therapeutic endpoint for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, its impact on clinical outcomes remains uncertain. This review aims to assess the impact of HBsAg loss on clinical outcomes following spontaneous and treatment-related HBsAg loss. Date: 1/29/2022 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This aim of this article is to systematically review the evidence regarding rehabilitation interventions targeting optimal physical or cognitive function in adults with a history of cancer and describe the breadth of evidence as well as strengths and limitations across a range of functional domains. Date: 1/31/2022 Author: Cindy Clark Division of Library Services Mouth and genital ulcers with inflamed cartilage (MAGIC) syndrome is characterized by overlapping features of relapsing polychondritis (RP) and Behcet's disease (BD). To date, no studies have defined the clinical spectrum of disease in a cohort of patients with MAGIC syndrome. Adult patients within an ongoing prospective, observational cohort study in RP were clinically assessed for MAGIC syndrome. A systematic review was conducted to identify additional cases of MAGIC syndrome by searching four databases: PubMed (US National Library of Medicine), Embase (Elsevier), Scopus (Elsevier) and Web of Science: Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics). Date: 2/26/2022 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services The purpose of this article is to characterize delivery features and explore effectiveness of telehealth-based cancer rehabilitation interventions that address disability in adult cancer survivors. Date: 3/2/2022 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services Outdoor air pollution is a known lung carcinogen, but research investigating the association between particulate matter (PM) and gastrointestinal (GI) cancers is limited. We sought to review the epidemiologic literature on outdoor PM and GI cancers and to put the body of studies into context regarding potential for bias and overall strength of evidence. Date: 4/1/2022 Author: Gisela Butera Division of Library Services The USDA Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review (NESR) team conducted a rapid review for the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support to summarize evidence to answer the following questions: - What are the relationships between eating breakfast and school performance, weight-related outcomes, and health? - What best practices exist in the U.S. School Breakfast Program, including models of student costs and breakfast delivery? A detailed description of the methodology used to complete these rapid reviews is found within the report. Date: 4/8/2022 Author: Gisela Butera Division of Library Services In this paper, we outline a scoping review protocol to evaluate and synthesize preclinical and clinical primary research focused on the associations between sleep and the gut microbiome. Date: 4/13/2022 Author: Diane Cooper Division of Library Services Determining how prior immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy influences outcomes in cancer patients presenting with COVID-19 is essential for patient management but must account for confounding variables. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies reporting adjusted effects of ICIs on survival, severe events, or hospitalisation in cancer patients with COVID-19 based on variables including age, gender, diabetes mellitus, hypertension (HTN), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other comorbidities. When adjusted effects were unavailable, unadjusted data were analysed. Date: 5/14/2022 Author: Nancy L. Terry Division of Library Services Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is a rare, aggressive malignancy with a poor prognosis. These tumors frequently stain positive for HER2/ErbB2, but data on the prognostic significance of HER2 status in SDC are mixed. We sought to determine whether HER2 status affects survival outcomes in SDC.
Date: 5/18/2022 Author: Alicia A. Livinski Division of Library Services This scoping review describes the relationship between tooth retention, health, and quality of life in older adults. |