***Maintenance work on vehicle entrances has been postponed to a later date. Campus Access this weekend will follow the normal weekend schedule***
The NIH will conduct routine maintenance work on the vehicle barriers at the South Drive entrance/exit off Rockville Pike (Metro/MD355) and the Lincoln Drive entrance/exit off Old Georgetown Road, on Saturday, March 1. This work will require the locations to be closed for a period of time on Saturday.
Please use the following alternate locations:
Rockville Pike – Use Wilson Drive from 6am to 6pm on Saturday; South Drive reopens at 6pm on Saturday,. March 1
Old Georgetown Road – Use South Drive from 6am – 4pm on Saturday; Lincoln Drive reopens at 6am on Sunday, March 2
Access to the Medical Center Metro station for buses, vehicles and pedestrians will not be affected. Pedestrian and bike access on and off campus and to the metro will also remain unchanged at South Drive (Metro).
For questions regarding this message, please contact the ORS Information Line at orsinfo@mail.nih.gov or 301-594-6677. TTY is available at 301-435-1908.