September is National Preparedness Month – an annual campaign encouraging Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies that may affect their homes, schools, organizations, businesses or communities. The Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination (DEPC), is the principle emergency planning resource for the NIH.
The DEPC will be hosting an awareness event to commemorate National Preparedness Month on Tuesday, September 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the South Lobby of Building 10.
Please stop by and take advantage of an array of topics available to assist you in preparing for an emergency at work and at home. Learn more about evacuation plans, emergency supply kits, security tips, fire safety, weather safety, Police K9, AED and CPR, and come use a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire! Information will be presented by experienced NIH professionals from Fire and Rescue Services, Police, Occupational Health and Safety, Radiation Safety, the Fire Marshal, and Emergency Preparedness and Coordination.
The DEPC is responsible for coordinating all NIH resources essential to emergency planning and preparedness, including but not limited to the following:
Development and issuance of emergency plans for all NIH facilities located both on and off campus
Development of response plans and exercises to test the adequacy and readiness of the NIH facilities and its people
Continual updates and maintenance of the NIH Continuity of Operations Plan
Provision of emergency communication services through AlertNIH – a mass communication system that has the capability of sending voice and data emergency notifications to employees’ work communication devices listed within the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED)
Please stop by to learn more about the topic of emergency preparedness and the services the ORS has to offer. For additional information on emergency preparedness at NIH, please visit the DEPC website at: