On Your Mark, Get Set, Go! It’s race time!
Grab your running shoes, a team of co-workers, and a
cheering section, and join us for the 31st Annual NIH Institute Challenge
Relay. The NIH Recreation and Welfare Association (R&W), original members
of the NIH Health Angels, and the Office of Research Services, Division of
Amenities and Transportation Services, are hosting this exciting event for the
NIH community on Thursday, September 18, in front of Building 1, beginning at
11:45 a.m., with staging for runners at 11:30 a.m.
All Institutes and Centers are invited to enter as many
teams as they like. Each team should consist of five runners, who will each run
a one-half mile loop around Building 1. Each team must include men and women
with at least two runners of the same gender (i.e., two women/three men or
three women/two men). The team with the fastest finishing time will win the
honor of having its name engraved on the Allen Lewis NIH Memorial Trophy
located in the Building 31 Fitness Center. Each team will need to create a team
name. Examples from last year include "Heart Today, Hertz Tomorrow",
"Kiss Meiosis", "Run from Obesity", "Stem Cell Doping
Squad", and "So Far Behind We Thought We Were First."
Come early or stay late this year and enjoy a whole NEW
part to the Relay. Visit with on-site exhibitors including Geico, NIH Federal
Credit Union, La Madeline, Eurest, Sprint and many more, or learn about the
R&W services offered at NIH, including the wellness and fitness activities
through the R&W Fitness Center.
Registration is now open. There is a $15.00 entry fee per
team to cover expenses. The first 100 teams are guaranteed a spot in one of two
heats. Please visit (R&W site is temporarily down. R&W Phone Number: 301-496-6061)
to register for the event. We will accommodate registrations up to the day of
the event.
The main purpose of the race is to have fun, bring
espirit de corps to the campus, get some exercise, and enjoy the company of
other NIH runners. Gather your friends and fellow co-workers together now and
form a team.
Individuals with disabilities who need Sign Language
Interpreters and/or reasonable accommodation to participate in the Institute
Challenge Relay should contact Ms. Kallie Wasserman, 301-496-6061 or the
Federal Relay (1-800-877-8339). Requests should be made at least 5 days in
advance of the event.
This event is open to all NIH staff, including
contractors. Please obtain supervisory approval prior to participating.