The Office of Research Services (ORS) is working to improve the reliability and safety of food services in all our facilities. This important work does, unfortunately, require some service disruptions along the way. As a result, the café in Building 12B will be closing for a refrigeration replacement project effective Thursday, November 9 through approximately January 15, 2024.
The 12B operator also oversees the coffee shop in the lobby of Building 50 and will augment grab-and-go food options at that location to help offset the services temporarily unavailable in the 12B café. The Building 31 cafeteria is also open for grab-and-go and is estimated to be fully operational by the end of November. Alternate full-service options also include the cafeterias in Buildings 35 and 10B.
Please check the Announcements section and the interactive on-campus facilities map on the DATS website food page for frequent updates. Please contact the ORS food program manager, Gregg Nelson, with any questions or comments.